Teller Report

Decorating a large diaper rope at Naritasan Shinshoji Temple Chiba

12/25/2019, 2:52:14 AM

It's been a week to leave, and Naritasan Shinshoji Temple in Chiba Prefecture is being decorated with the annual large diaper rope and preparing for the New Year…

Decorating a large diaper rope at Naritasan Shinshoji Temple Chiba December 25, 11:44

It is only a week to leave, and at Naritasan Shinshoji Temple in Chiba Prefecture, the annual large diaper rope is decorated and preparations for the new year are in progress.

At Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, which is visited by about 3 million people during the New Year's Day, about 3 million people visit the shrine each year.

The diaper rope is made over a period of about two months, using approximately 2500 bundles of straw collected from local farmers, and is 6.6 meters long and weighs 200 kg.

On the morning of the 25th, about 10 temple staff carried large diapers from the construction site, attached them with a crane truck in front of the main temple, and decorated them with pine trees and bamboo.

The large diaper rope will be installed until the 28th of next month.

Mr. Fumio Akiba, a staff member at Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, said, "I made my first big diaper rope in Reiwa with the desire to improve it. I want everyone to have a good year."