Teller Report

Sherine Reda: Amr Diab is still my friend and father of my only daughter

12/24/2019, 10:06:02 PM

"I know that my candor shocked some, but I prefer to tell the truth no matter what it cost me." .. With these words, the Egyptian star Sherine Reda started her dialogue with "Emirates Today", stressing that she is not afraid of any attack because of that frankness, and even the roles that a team might see from Viewers are bold

"I know that my candor shocked some, but I prefer to tell the truth no matter what it cost me." .. With these words, the Egyptian star Sherine Reda started her dialogue with "Emirates Today", stressing that she is not afraid of any attack because of that frankness, and even the roles that a team might see from Bold viewers.

She revealed that respect governs her relationship with her first husband, the artist Amr Diab, adding: “Amr is my only daughter, and therefore our relationship continues, especially since we are friends at first, and the affection, which is the basis of our dealings, continues from the beginning.”

Sherine touched on her participation in the presidency of the arbitration of the last Cairo International Film Festival arbitration: “It was a very different experience, because I used to be watching only enjoying movies and events, but this time I was placed in the referee’s chair, and I had to watch with extreme neutrality and focus that has nothing to do with my personal whims. And I was always afraid to take sides, not the other. Overall, the experience was very rich, and I was delighted to participate in the Baladi Egypt Festival. ”

"The blue elephant"

On her participation in the movie "Blue Elephant" in its two parts, she affirmed that it is "one of the very distinguished works that fell in love with her despite my small role, and I consider it a great move in the cinema, and is happy to cross the barrier of 100 million pounds in terms of revenue, to be the first movie to make this boom." I prepared for my character in the movie a lot, and made (Luke) frightening to fit my role in the work, and I was happy with the reactions that I received, and what motivated me to participate in the second part is the success achieved by the first and the admiration of the audience and critics of this film ».

And she added: "In addition to that the script was written in a way that makes the second part different, as it used a lot of graphics, in addition to a number of guests of honor and new stars who appeared in the second part, and added a lot to work."

Sherine indicated that she was seriously ill because of this film, as she was exposed to a "virus" from the "tattoo" that she had made at this time, and the doctors saved her from a poor health condition.

Opportunity «guest»

Regarding the small roles of her in the second part of the «Blue Elephant», and other works, she said: “I never care about the space of the role .. What only concerns me is that I participate in a successful and strong work and with a group of stars who I love and feel comfortable and giving together, and if the role is small Influentially, then, what is the objection to participation, and since when and roles are measured by spaces? Personally, I am an actress who does not think this way. ”

She added about the movie "The Guest" with Khaled Al-Sawy and Ahmed Malik, in particular: "I did not hesitate to accept participation in this work, and I was very excited, especially that it was directed by Hadi Al-Bagouri, and I was drawn to what was written by the novelist Ibrahim Issa, because it is a work that discusses the issue of extremism that does not She discusses a lot, so I found her a golden opportunity for integrated work in all respects. ” Sherine Reda appeared in the movie "The Guest" with the character of an elderly lady, as well as in the film "Photo Copy" and said about her giving up her beauty and embodying such roles: "I am not bothered by the idea of ​​presenting the personality of an old woman with any artwork, even if she is the grandmother of a young man, The actress must not be related to her real age, but only provides what is proportional to her acting capabilities, and this is what happened in the films (the guest) and (Photo Coupe), as she presented two roles for an elderly, sick woman and they were among the most beautiful roles that embodied her and the most successful and rewarding ».

Late New Year

Sherine Reda pointed out that the movie "New Year" that she participated in, was supposed to be shown at the Cairo Film Festival, had it not been for his producer, Mohamed Hefzy, himself the president of the festival, so he excluded him in order to avoid embarrassment, adding: "I do not yet know when the film will be shown, and it is an experiment Distinguished with a large number of stars, such as Iyad Nassar and Engi Al-Muqaddam ... I love this work very much because it is a new experience with new filmmakers. ”

She continued: «I love the renewal and the adventurer, so I strive as much as possible to work with people who are going through their first experiences, that is why I liked to participate in the movie (New Year’s) because it is the first of the director Mohamed Saqr, and the stars, adults and experienced people should support the talents, so that new blood is pumped into the market In acting, directing, filming and all fields ».

And on how she judged good works and assessing artistic success, and whether revenue represents a basic indicator of success, she saw that «judging business has many indicators, and is not always represented in revenue, but in its impact, and the thought that will convey it to the public through the content of the artwork, to make people in "A useful discussion case, and this is the real success from my point of view."

I was surprised by a revolution against me!

About her recent pet crisis, Sherine Reda said: “I was surprised by some who said it is permissible to kill stray animals such as cats and dogs in the streets, and this is very frightening. My real opinion, and I refuse to deal harshly with animals. ”

• «How long have roles been measured with spaces? Personally, I don’t think this way. ”

• “I love adventure, so I make sure to work with those who have their first experiences.”