Teller Report

Mohammed Al-Osaili raises a crisis in Jordan .. I will not sing before paying my dues

12/24/2019, 6:07:14 PM

The artist Mohamed Al-Osaili provoked a widespread angry crisis and reactions in Jordan after he refused to go to the stage where he was scheduled to revive his artistic concert in front of the Jordanian public. The angry audience was forced to wait for Al-Osaili for more than three hours before going up to the stage at one night.

The artist Mohamed Al-Osaili provoked a widespread angry crisis and reactions in Jordan after he refused to go to the stage where he was scheduled to revive his artistic concert in front of the Jordanian public. The angry audience was forced to wait for Al-Osaili for more than three hours before going up to the stage at one night.

It appears that Al-Osaili refused to sing before receiving all his financial dues for the ceremony, and Al-Osaili said, according to his page on Twitter, that the company that organized the party did not pay him his financial dues. And the state of anger among the public, who began demanding its right to recover the value of tickets, pushed the party organizing the ceremony to solve the existing problem.

The director of the concert, Firas Yaghi, through the program "Insider in Arabic", confirmed what was shared by some about the reason for the delay of "Al-Osaili", which is the failure to receive his financial dues, indicating that the matter was realized, and Al-Asily got all his financial dues, and went up to the theater in exactly one.