Teller Report

A mutual attack between Myriam Fares and Elisa because of "Egypt"!

12/24/2019, 4:55:19 AM

Actress Myriam Fares confirmed during a press interview after her concert in the Riyadh season that she could not accept the apology of the Lebanese channel Elisa after the latter made "Like" a leaked and distorted video clip that raised the ire of the Egyptians towards Fares, where Myriam Fares said, "Frankly, if Elissa was not

Actress Myriam Fares confirmed during a press interview after her concert in the Riyadh season that she could not accept the apology of the Lebanese channel Elissa after the latter made "Like" a leaked and distorted video clip that raised the ire of the Egyptians towards Fares, where Myriam Fares said, "Frankly, if Elisa had worked Like the leaked video and the typeface that I got down, I accepted her apology ... but the Lake like that means support for the video and offending me. "

"Elissa said that she did not mean to work (like) ... and she sometimes works like signs on something that makes her laugh," she asked, "Do you see anything that you need to laugh?"

The artist Elissa had a reaction after commenting by one of the followers, who said, "What she liked is that Elissa defended her ... O Dayan quantum minute to Elisa their spirit", where she said through her account on the social networking site "Twitter": My beloved, everyone is working with their origin! I don't expect an estimate from anyone.

Myriam Fares returned to respond to Elisa again, and she said in comments during a video on Instagram when one of the reporters told her, "Today we made a big noise because of the dialogue that I had with you, and many people commented on your position against Elisa and there were negative criticisms," to Miriam Fares: "It does not matter who has become and it is not sweet that one will be Bushin."

Myriam Fares had recently experienced a crisis because of her statement about Egypt, where she had said, "Before the revolution I used to live more than two and three parties per week, but after that the parties stopped, and at that time I grew up and run and increased and my requirements increased, frankly I became a dread over Egypt and for this I did not They are in abundance there. "

Although she later apologized to the Egyptian people, the crisis continued, especially after the spread of a video clip entitled "Myriam Fares offend Egypt."