Teller Report

The Government links the future of 1-O prisoners to Oriol Junqueras

12/23/2019, 8:52:25 PM

The situation of the independence leaders sentenced to prison by the Supreme Court could change after the sentence issued last Thursday by the Court of Justice of the United

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The situation of the independence leaders sentenced to prison by the Supreme Court could change after the sentence issued last Thursday by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on the immunity of Oriol Junqueras as an elected deputy of the European Parliament. This was suggested today by the spokeswoman for the Catalan Government, Meritxell Budó, who said that the ruling of the Luxembourg court could interfere with the classification of the prison degrees of the nine incarcerated.

In the press conference after the weekly Executive meeting, one day ahead of the traditional Tuesday, Budó said: «It is evident that, since the classification was made [by the prison treatment boards], there has been this sentence and there may be some change, but we will not make assessments until there is a pronouncement from the Secretariat of Criminal Measures ».

The treatment boards of the three Catalan prisons in which the nine secessionist prisoners (Lledoners, Puig de les Basses and Mas d'Enric) are interned proposed to classify them in second prison degree, a decision that must now ratify the classification service of the Secretariat of prisons of the Generalitat.

On December 11, the regional responsible for Criminal Measures, Reinsertion and Attention to Victim, Amand Calderó, explained that, after an "intense debate" within the treatment boards between the granting of the second and third grade, it was decided , by majority but without unanimity, by the first option. In this way, prisoners could not yet enjoy permits - as is the case with third grade - although they would have other options to obtain them.

The situation of the independence leaders condemned by the Supreme Court last October has become a new point of friction in the always complex relations between Esquerra Republicana and Junts per Catalunya. After the public announcement of the Secretary of Criminal Measures, both parties expressed their disagreements over the granting of the second degree. While ERC limited itself to respecting a decision that qualified as "technical", the party supervised by Carles Puigdemont from Waterloo (Belgium) showed its "disappointment" with the decision of the secretariat in charge of prison services, a detail that is not minor taking in mind that the Department of Justice, on which it depends, is in the hands of Republican Ester Capella.

The spokeswoman of the Government also referred to another judicial front, that of the disqualification for a year and a half of the president of the Generalitat issued last Thursday by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia. Budó said that the Catalan Executive works in "various scenarios" with the purpose of guaranteeing "the defense of the presidency of the Generalitat". In addition to describing the sentence that condemns Quim Torra as "a great nonsense," he requested the case file so that "the Government can continue with its normality."

The president, meanwhile, accused the PP of "attempted fraud of law" in his appeal against the request of the popular to the Provincial Electoral Board (to which Citizens and Vox joined) to withdraw the deputy minutes of the Parliament after his conviction for disobedience.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Supreme Court
  • Oriol Junqueras
  • Vox
  • Quim Torra
  • European Parliament
  • PP
  • Junts per Catalunya
  • ERC
  • Citizens
  • Carles Puigdemont
  • Belgium

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