Teller Report

Intense displacement movement due to the shelling ... Regime forces on the outskirts of Maarat Al-Nouman in Idlib countryside

12/23/2019, 11:01:19 PM

The Syrian regime forces are now eight kilometers from the town of Maarat al-Numan in the Idlib countryside, in northern Syria, after they took control of the town of Gergnaz, while the displacement movement continues from the southeastern Idlib countryside to the Turkish border.

The Syrian regime forces intensified on Monday - backed by Russian bombing - their attack on Ma`rat al-Numan in Idlib countryside to control the Damascus-Aleppo International Road, and continued to target villages in Idlib's southeastern countryside.

After the regime took control of the city of Khan Sheikhoun, which is located on this vital artery, attention turned to Ma`rat al-Numan, which is followed immediately by the city of Saraqib and then the city of Aleppo.

And the official news agency (SANA) stated that the regime forces took control of the strategic town of Gergnaz in the southeastern countryside of Idlib after defeating what they described as terrorists, and destroying their headquarters and command centers.

For his part, the Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that the city of Maarat al-Numan is almost empty of its residents, due to the air strikes and artillery shelling targeting it.

The Organization of "Response Coordinators" estimated the number of displaced people since the beginning of last month at more than two hundred thousand, as a result of the military campaign of the Syrian regime and Russia in Idlib.

The organization has also documented the killing of more than 225 civilians - including 74 children - as a result of the Syrian-Russian bombing of Idlib since last November.

In turn, the United Nations expressed its deep concern Monday over the repercussions of the continued air strikes on the lives of more than three million Syrians living in Idlib.

A statement of the international organization stated that it negotiated a humanitarian truce for 6 hours last Saturday, which allowed the safe passage of more than 2500 people.

The United Nations has urged all parties to ensure the protection of civilians, and to allow unimpeded access for all humanitarian actors, in order to provide life-saving assistance to all in need.