Teller Report

Christmas Eve dinner, almost 9% more expensive today than if you went to & apos; super & apos; one month ago

12/23/2019, 12:10:19 PM

Being a forecaster and going to the market or at the supermarket a few weeks before Christmas Eve dinner has its prize in the form of savings. Bream at 50 euros per kilo, prawns at 15 euros ..... E

Being a forecaster and going to the market or at the supermarket a few weeks before Christmas Eve dinner has its prize in the form of savings. Bream at 50 euros per kilo, prawns at 15 euros ..... These are, on average, the prices that a consumer will find if he is going to fill his refrigerator today facing the night of 24. The purchase comes out 8.5 % more expensive than if it had been done a month ago, according to the consumer and user organization (OCU).

OCU has made a price assessment with the most typical Christmas foods (15 products) to see how they evolve these weeks. He has reviewed the prices at the end of November, two weeks before Christmas Eve and, finally, he has checked them on Monday 23rd, one day before dinner. Prices after the bridge already reflected some significant rise in fish and seafood, but this Monday, the increase in these products is greater.

Clams 65% more expensive than a month ago (28% more than a week ago), angles to 794 euros and a cumulative rise in a few days of 15%, hake that costs 28% more than a month ago ... The study is the living reflection of the law of supply and demand and notes that leaving purchases for the end is expensive.

Since 2015, traditional Christmas food (the products that are usually bought on these dates: seafood, fish, cavas ...) has increased by 35%, compared to the 4.8% increase in prices in this period. As they explain from the OCU, fish and seafood "has become inaccessible to many homes."

"We verify that the increases, when they occur, are more moderate in meat and vegetable products and more striking in fish and shellfish," they say from the organization.

The bream, shot

In the fortnight before Christmas, prices had risen on average by 5.9%, (in 2018, the increase was only 2%). The products that have starred in the biggest price rises are seafood. The sea bream is one of the most expensive fish, up to more than 50 euros a kilo. 15 days ago, the kilo cost 10 euros less. In the last five years, and so far, its price has risen 154% and in just one year it has increased 54%, according to the OCU. Hake has also exploded, although to a lesser extent: 91% have done so.

Other products that are less expensive but are also typical at this dinner, such as pineapple or Lombard, have fallen in price compared to December 10, which is when the previous sampling was done. The barnacles have suffered oscillations, to stay at a price similar to what they had a month ago.

The weight of the basket of Christmas products is 35% on the turnover of the total of the year. Last year it registered a 3.45% growth in value, reaching 2,482 million euros of expenditure, according to data from the Nielsen consultancy. According to their figures, last year the products that rose the most were pates (6.9%), smoked products (6.8%), chocolates (6.2%) and sparkling wines (6.3% ).

Kantar Worldpanel also predicts this year an important increase in some products. Raw prawns go from 8.57 euros to 14.09 euros, cured ham from 10.97 euros to 15.70 euros or sheep meat 16.92 euros to 26.38 euros. "The independent catering establishments are preferred to consume outside the home on these special dates," said the consultant, who expects an increase in food expenditure these weeks.

"Given that the consumer during 2019 has made practically the same purchases as in the previous year, but has consumed more valuable products, and knowing that during this holiday period the consumer is willing to spend more, we anticipate that the expense this Christmas it will grow along the same line throughout the year and that the volume is maintained "says Florencio GarcĂ­a, expert in consumption and distribution of Kantar.

According to estimates, Christmas sweets, cavas or ciders "will be the most present products in the baskets of the Spanish" these days. Also chocolates, preserves and alcoholic beverages.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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