Teller Report

“Anti-Russian rhetoric will only grow”: why Trump accused Democrats of sabotaging the 2020 elections

12/23/2019, 9:55:19 PM

Donald Trump said his opponents had organized a “fabrication of Russian affairs.” According to the President of the United States, this was the “biggest lie” that the American public has ever been told. In addition, the head of the White House indicated that his opponents had repeatedly attempted to sabotage the upcoming presidential election, but stressed that they would not be able to achieve the goal. According to analysts, Trump makes such statements because he is "annoyed" by the delay in impeachment by the Democrats, who "does not add points to him in the election race." At the same time, experts believe that representatives of the Democratic Party will continue the anti-Russian and anti-Trump "hysteria", since it allows them to consolidate their supporters.

US President Donald Trump said his opponents organized a “fabrication of the“ Russian cause ”and tried to sabotage the 2020 elections. He said this, speaking to his supporters in the city of West Palm Beach (Florida).

“They organized the fabrication of the“ Russian affair ”—that was the biggest lie that the American public had ever told — and pushed a group of unselected bureaucrats to obstruct the will of American voters. Every minute of the past three years, our opponents tried to cancel the results of the 2016 elections and at least sabotage the 2020 elections, ”said the head of the White House.

Trump also recalled the FBI surveillance of employees of his campaign headquarters during the 2016 presidential company.

“I talked about this two and a half - three years ago. And now it has come to light (the corresponding report of the US Department of Justice was published. - RT ): they monitored my campaign headquarters. If the situation were the opposite, someone would have been in prison for several years, ”the American leader emphasized.

At the same time, the US president said that "the court on foreign intelligence affairs misled."

“This is a very respected authority, and it was simply deceived, hiding evidence of innocence. After several days of searching for the “Russian footprint”, they already knew that it was a dummy, that there was nothing ... Two and a half years of terrible actions on a far-fetched pretext, which caused many people to suffer, ”Trump stated.

The US president also said that the Democrats went crazy, accusing American politicians Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein and Louis Homer of being "agents of Russia."

"He (Louis Gomert. - RT ) made a statement, and they started yelling:" He works for Russia. " These people are crazy, understand? Crazy, ”said the head of the White House.

However, the American leader emphasized that his opponents will not be able to achieve their goal - they will not be able to sabotage the upcoming presidential election.

“This cannot happen. We will not allow this, ”he stressed.

  • US Department of Justice Building
  • AFP

Recall that the allegations regarding the alleged “conspiracy” of Trump and his election headquarters with Russia were investigated by the commission of special prosecutor Robert Muller for two years. In mid-April, the U.S. Department of Justice published a final report saying that Trump’s campaign headquarters had no illegal ties to the Kremlin.

“There is no evidence”

According to experts, Trump made a similar statement, as his opponents continue to play the “anti-Russian card” to find new justifications for the allegations against the American leader.

In October, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the 45th president of the United States "the dream of Vladimir Putin." She stated this in an interview with the Campaign HQ podcast. According to Clinton, she allegedly revealed the Kremlin’s plans for the 2020 American election campaign. Moscow, according to Clinton, intends to help Trump to be re-elected through the separation of a democratic electorate.

“The Russians have laid eyes on one woman participating in democratic primaries and are raising her to make them a candidate for the third party. She is the favorite candidate of the Russians, ”Clinton said, without specifying exactly who she means.

However, Tulsi Gabbard, a member of the US House of Representatives, who until recently was the Democratic presidential candidate, reacted to her accusations. She called Clinton’s allegations “fake news.”

The former Secretary of State then called the “Russian agent” and Jill Stein, the candidate from the Green Party in the 2016 elections. She, like the Trump team, was accused in due time of "ties with Russia."

“Yes, she is a Russian agent, there is no doubt about that,” Clinton said.

To which Jill advised the former secretary of state not to spread “conspiracy theories designed to justify her failure”, and to reflect on the true reasons for the democrats' defeat in 2016.

  • Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • Reuters
  • © Carlos Barria

And a few days ago, during a debate, Democrat Jerrold Nadler accused Republican Louis Homer of "spreading Russian propaganda" within the walls of the House of Representatives. Thus, the representative of the Democratic Party commented on the speech of Homer, who said that the impeachment investigation hinders the investigation of Ukraine’s alleged interference in the 2016 elections.

According to Yury Rogulev, director of the Franklin Roosevelt Foundation for the Study of the United States at Moscow State University, the head of the White House says that “new accusations from the Democrats are nonsense,” since the Mueller commission concluded that there was no “conspiracy” of Trump with Russia.

"Representatives of the Democratic Party are accustomed to blaming Trump and Moscow, without providing evidence to their words, they have no evidence," the expert said in a conversation with RT.

"Annoyed by delaying impeachment"

The American leader criticized his opponents against the background of a tense situation around impeachment.

The day before, Donald Trump accused the Democrats of violating constitutional norms by delaying this process, stressing that "this is completely unfair." Trump made such a statement a few days after the House of Representatives voted in favor of impeachment.

Earlier, the American leader said that the Democratic Party is engaged in a "crazy, delusional, destructive and over-biased witch hunt", the purpose of which is impeachment.

“This is all fabrication. This is a hoax, ”Trump emphasized.

Recall that at the end of September, the House of Representatives, where the Democrats have the majority, launched an impeachment procedure against the 45th president of the United States, which was triggered by the July telephone conversation between Donald Trump and Vladimir Zelensky.

According to the Democrats, the head of the White House used his position and pressed his Ukrainian counterpart to launch an investigation into the former vice president of the United States, and now presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The latter was a member of the board of directors of the Ukrainian company Burisma, which appeared at the center of a corruption scandal about five years ago.

However, as Yuri Rogulev recalled, at first the democrats wanted to make the issue of “ties” of the 45th US president with the Kremlin central to the impeachment procedure.

“They planned to act according to the logic of“ conspiracy, which means betrayal, respectively, automatically impeachment. ” However, they could not find any evidence of this, and they switched to Ukrainian subjects, ”the analyst explained.

  • U.S. House of Representatives votes on resolution on impeachment of US President Donald Trump
  • Reuters
  • © Tom Brenner

Moreover, according to Andrei Sidorov, head of the department of international organizations and world political processes at the Faculty of World Politics at Moscow State University, the US president "decided to remind the democrats of their sins right now," because he was "annoyed by the prolonged impeachment."

“So far, the charges have not been dropped from him, and the Senate has gone on vacation, and accordingly, cannot vote for it. As a result, a certain spot remains on the head of the White House, which does not add points to him in the election race. Therefore, Trump claims that the Democrats are sabotaging the upcoming election process, ”the expert said in a conversation with RT.

At the same time, Sidorov predicted that opponents of Trump will continue to charge him and declare his "ties" with Russia.

“This will happen, despite the results of Muller’s report and regardless of what decision the Senate will take on the impeachment of Trump,” the analyst explained.

Sidorov also stressed that the Senate in the current composition with a high degree of probability will vote against the impeachment of Trump.

“Therefore, this issue will quickly resolve. But the “Russian affair” will continue to overshadow Trump’s existence if he is re-elected, ”the analyst said.

According to Sidorov, “anti-Russian and anti-Trump hysteria will not go anywhere” and will only increase in connection with the intensifying election campaign.

“For the Democrats, this is one of the principles of party unification. These two positions are called upon to consolidate the democratic electorate and the Democratic Party from within. After all, this political force has faced a serious problem - serious processes are taking place inside it, which can lead to a breakdown in relations between its representatives, and, therefore, to an inevitable collapse, ”the expert said.

That is why general elections are extremely important for Democrats, Sidorov noted. He believes that even if Demapria does not triumph over Trump, this election process decides a lot for this political force.

“The Demparium should defend the House of Representatives, and get more seats in the Senate. If they succeed, then they can again begin the process of impeachment. And then their chances of success will be much more tangible than now, ”the analyst concluded.