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The cultural news tips about board games

12/22/2019, 5:04:35 AM

The middle days are the main feast of board games, but what to play? The cultural news board game panel tips on some of their favorites among dice, cards and board games.

The Mind

The mind Photo: NSV

The premise is simple, but the ultimate goal all the more difficult: getting all players' brains to work as one. All players are given numbered cards and must put them in the correct order without talking or signaling to each other what cards they have. The first round is simple, then the stakes are raised.

If you go all the way to the end there are more than 30 cards in play, and players must reach perfect synchronization in silent consensus. A successful round gives an adrenaline rush that trumps most things.

Dead of Winter

Dead or winter. Photo: Plaid hat games / press image

Multiple award-winning survival game focusing on moral dilemmas: Dead of Winter is the reigning board game master in the zombie apocalypse, where players work together to survive biting cold and biting the undead in a harsh winter landscape.

Just like the brilliant sci-fi Moon and Battlestar Galactica, there is also a player who is given the role of traitor, and secretly works against the others. A bit more advanced than the average game, but highly recommended for fans of doom and betrayal.

Unlock !: Escape adventures

Unlock! Photo: Lydia Farran-Lee / SVT

The escape room trend has been around for a couple of years now, but since it is largely about looking for clues in a room, the transition to board games at first does not feel quite given. But after a first test play, it turns out to be just fine.

Clues and penalty points are distributed via an app and the rooms are replaced with detailed cards. The game panel - although it considers itself as game-savvy - went on to finish the task on time, but had great fun during the course of the game. Note: glasses on for review. Some clues are written in really, really small text.

The gaming experience is fantastic if you like the basic concept, but a minus is of course that each scenario can only be played once.

Ultimate werewolf

One night ultimate warwolf. Photo: Bezier games / press image

Anyone who has ever played around the table game Maffia will recognize him. A village has been affected by the infestation of werewolves and must together figure out who or who is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

After five minutes of discussion, the village jointly decides who should be killed - is it a wolf, the village wins - is it a villager takes the werewolves over. A strong plus is that each round is only five minutes, so you can try many different roles and tactics.

Bullying potential: high

Terraforming March

Terraforming March. Photo: Stronghold games / Press image

A Swedish strategy success for real board game shells. Jacob Fryxelius' deep eco-adventure, where players work together to turn Mars into a habitable planet, has become an international phenomenon, winning a number of critic awards and has since climbed into the influential Boardgamegeek's top ten list as one of the best games of all time.

The commendable environmental scenario also hides a competition momentum, which causes the mys collaboration to terraform the planet to be quickly colored by cynical counts to bring home the most points, and thus become the final winner.

Just one

Just one. Photo: Lydia Farran-Lee / SVT

Although the game won the German prestigious prize Speil des jahres (this year's game), this is not for board players, but a fast-paced and child-friendly family game. A player chooses a word from a card, without looking at it. The other players should, with the help of one (just one) different word, get the player with the card to guess correctly.

The pace is low, the rules simple and the co-operation factor high. A good game for board game novices.

Looking for even more games? Read the 2018 board game guide here.