Teller Report

Jean Nouvel: "We don't have to accept a stupid system. We can do things right & quot;

12/22/2019, 1:01:24 AM

With more than 200 projects made reality throughout the world, Jean Nouvel (1945, Fumel, France) is one of the most prolific architects in the world - and the most awarded. But do



Saturday, December 21, 2019 - 22:04

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With more than 200 projects made reality throughout the world, Jean Nouvel (1945, Fumel, France) is one of the most prolific architects in the world - and the most awarded. But to do, to build buildings just to lift them, is what least interests this 74-year-old Frenchman with a keen look. Deeply critical of the stereotyped architecture that, throughout the world, reproduces clonic buildings, clonic cities, Nouvel instead advocates the importance

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