Teller Report

A weapon without ammunition ... a piece of iron!

12/22/2019, 10:12:30 PM

The media is an important weapon, but rather it is one of the heavy weapons that states must possess, but of course the weapon is not the only important, but the shot or ammunition is much more important than the weapon itself, without it the pistol or tank turns into an iron piece that has no benefit from it, so There is no point in a weapon

The media is an important weapon, but rather it is one of the heavy weapons that states must possess, but of course the weapon is not the only important, but the shot or ammunition is much more important than the weapon itself, without it the pistol or tank turns into an iron piece that has no benefit from it, so There is no benefit from a weapon without ammunition, and there is no benefit from ammunition without a weapon!

Information is the repertoire of the media, and it is his shots with which he fights, defends with it, and reveals the facts through it. If the information came at the right time, and in the appropriate way, the media won all battles, and if there was no benefit from newspapers, broadcasts and TV channels, you cannot find anything to explain and respond to. On rumors and lies!

The media is a means of conveying information, and it is a news factory, but it is not the source of this information and news, so the owners of information from officials and destinations are the ones who have the decision to feed and strengthen this medium, and they also have the ability to weaken it if they are late in communicating information to it, as required and in the required time, they are The owners of the decision to issue statements or withhold them, the issue is exactly the same as the car that does not start and the plane that does not fly, without providing them with fuel, so why do we blame the means of transportation, and do not blame those who have control over the supply of fuel!

Searching for a peg is a very old process that everyone who fails to perform a task adheres to, we are fully aware of that, but this peg will not solve the problems, it will remain far from the main problem, so it is rather when looking for the reason for the failure of something, to search For the main reasons that led to that failure, we search for the root causes, not the crusts that do not move a finger, this is if we are looking for a solution, and we are not looking for other things!

We have repeatedly demanded, and we will continue to demand, to provide the media with the information it requires, and we demand transparency and conviction of the task of the press and media men, but rather we have asked for more than that, to hold accountable to every official who hides important information without a convincing reason, but these demands went to their place and did not find the light And unless this shift occurs in thought first, and in the conviction of the importance of publishing, clarifying, and anticipating events with adequate and abundant information on all fields, do not talk to us about the race, do not talk to us about the development or talk to us about the media, we will continue to witness our place as a reaction media, we wait for the information whenever it becomes available Even after Malta is ruined!

twitter @ samialreyami

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