Teller Report

They mistreated kindergarten children, two teachers suspended for eight months

12/21/2019, 7:31:12 PM

Screams, threats and jerks. Another teacher suspended in Sardinia


21 December 2019 Scream, aggressive and threatening attitudes, offensive words and tugging. Thus two teachers of a kindergarten in the province of Udine, now suspended for 8 months from teaching, would have treated the children, creating an atmosphere of humiliation and mortification in the classroom.

The new, yet another story of alleged abuse in the classroom comes from Friuli. A story that repeats itself in every corner of the country, in the province of Udine as in Sardinia where another teacher of a nursery school in the Nuoro area, already suspended administratively by Miur last June, was banned for a year by the teaching with provision signed this time by the judiciary.

The investigations - conducted by the Mobile Squad of the Police Headquarters of Udine, coordinated by the Prosecutor of the Friuli capital - were started after being reported to the social worker by a mother whose daughter refused to go to school.

During the investigation, the investigators heard numerous parents who reported punishments and offenses against their children by two teachers.

From the vision of the images of the cameras installed, several cases were found in which the two teachers verbally offended the children with epithets and threats, in Italian and sometimes in Friulian. On other occasions the children would have been debased, humiliated and ridiculed in front of their classmates for how they had done their homework or getting dirty. In particular, one of the two teachers is also complained of episodes of mild physical abuse with tugged children. In one case, in particular, a child would have been grabbed by one ear and tugged for a few meters. Attitudes of irritation would also have been assumed towards some foreign children who, probably because of linguistic difficulties, did not understand the provisions.

The elements gathered led the investigating judge of the Udine court to issue, at the request of the public prosecutor, an application order of the measure of suspension from teaching for 8 months against both teachers.

And the investigations that led to the disqualification from teaching for one year of a teacher of the nursery school of Santa Maria Navarrese (Nuoro). The teacher had already been suspended administratively by the MIUR last June because she was investigated, together with a colleague, for mistreatment of some pupils. In a note, the military reported "unjustified and excessive screams and punishments in relation to the tender age of the children entrusted to them".