Teller Report

Tanning the anus, the last and very dangerous trend that is all the rage in the networks

12/21/2019, 1:34:40 AM

The hashtag #buttholesunning has been & apos; trending topic & apos ;. Thus, read or heard in English, it is not so shocking, or at least one takes a little longer to stay

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The hashtag #buttholesunning has been a trending topic for a few weeks now. Thus, read or heard in English, it is not so shocking, or at least one takes a little longer to remain ojiplática. When processing the term in Castilian and when you already thought that there was no tendency in the networks that might surprise you, the sunbathing by the year, the less it leaves you stunned.

Apparently, tanning the perineal area (the area between the anus and the genitals) is the most in California . Yes, there are people who, when they see a ray, instead of their face, put their ass in the sun because they are convinced that vitamin D has a preference for this area and that they will synthesize it in large quantities.

It seems another idea of Gwyneth Paltrow , let's not forget that the actress caused a controversy by promoting a trend of genital well-being that consisted in subjecting the vagina to steam baths , but this time the poor seem to have no fault.

The pioneer in putting on fashion sunbathing with the ass in pomp to specifically tan the perianal area is a mystical influencer who calls himself Ra of Earth on Instagram . This man says that exposing the anus directly to the sun's rays gives you an energy that can't be held . Come on, if you do it as soon as you wake up, you can save your morning coffee.


It literally says that "only 30 seconds of sunlight in the ass gives you more energy than you would receive being a whole day outdoors." To give weight to the matter, let's not think that all this movement has been taken from his sleeve, he refers us to his pseudoscientific sources: nothing more and nothing less than a book written by a Chinese doctor, Stephen Thomas Chang, ' The Teo of Sexology ', which also adds things like exposing your anus to the sun keeps the area free of germs .

It will sound stupid, but the practice already has adherents in the US. A user who calls herself 'metaphysicalmeagan' uploaded a photo to Instagram pointing with the sun itself while announcing that, since practicing #buttholesunning, she sleeps better, is more connected to her sexual part, her hormones have been regulated and even Note that you have more creativity .

The main actress of 'Big Little Lies', Shailene Woodley, says that this practice keeps her vaginal fungi at bay and Thanos ( Josh Brolin ), from 'The Avengers', said on her Instagram account that he has practiced it. The actor, who seems to be the only one who conveys a little reason to the matter, recommended that his followers not practice it if they did not want to end up like him, with his anus scorched and dying of pain.


Sounds like Brolin was getting horny, but the consequences could be real. This is confirmed by Dr. Eduardo López-Bran, dermatologist, collaborator of #SaludsinBulos, and head of the Dermatology service of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid, who puts sanity on this whole topic: "It is not convenient to sunbathe in intimate areas because in addition to the fact that they are very sensitive, they are not accustomed to receiving the sun's rays, they can easily be burned with the consequent risk of short-term and long-term skin cancers , and it should be noted that even when ultraviolet treatments are done to to treat dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, that area is always protected in the patient so that it is not exposed, "explains the professional, who says that it is done precisely because the risk of burns is very high in the genital area.

In addition, sun creams are designed to be applied to the skin, that is, they are formulated exclusively for the epidermis and should not be applied on the mucous membranes of the sexual organs , so without maximum photoprotection, the risk of developing cancers of skin multiplies.

It is true that 90% of vitamin D comes from skin synthesis , that is, from the exposure of our skin to the sun, and that only 10% comes from food , but Dr. López-Bra recalls that it is not necessary exposing yourself to the sun in this way to acquire it, since "a moderate exposure (not sunbathing, simply exposing ourselves to it) and adequate photoprotection generally allows the absorption of sufficient" light "to activate the synthesis of vitamin D".

It is true that, in Spain, despite being a country of sunshine, there is a deficit of this vitamin (1 in 3 people is lacking), but you do not have to go so far to acquire it. As the specialist indicates, before resorting to this practice, "and always with medical supervision , it may be recommended to take vitamin D supplements if necessary to normalize their levels."

While the specialists confirm that the anus and the perineum is not an area with special abilities for the concentration of sunlight , some have gotten into their heads that it is a good idea to continue teaching their anus to the world and there is not much we can Do to avoid it. There they with their ass. At least they do it in the middle of the Californian desert, with no curious eyes on the horizon.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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