Teller Report

Franceschini, in CdM there were no conditions for the ok to the Innovation Plan

12/21/2019, 7:07:23 PM

The new rules on technological and digital innovation for the country will be included when converting the Milleproroghe decree

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By Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 21 December 2019 Approval postponed, need further study. The Country's Technological and Digital Innovation Plan undergoes a stop in the Council of Ministers which was held today. Dario Franceschini, head of the Pd delegation in the Council of Ministers and minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, gave the news on the rules on digital innovation initially contained in the draft of the Milleproproghe decree.

"Today there were no conditions to approve the Digital Innovation Plan in the Council of Ministers. There is a need for further study and the rules, the result of an agreement in the majority, could be included in an amendment in the conversion of the decree, "said Franceschini.

In fact, the Digital Innovation Plan was blocked after the controversy raised by what was revealed by the online newspaper Linkiesta about a likely conflict of interest by Casaleggio Associati. Davide Casaleggio would be one of the consultants of the current government as regards the Plan for technological and digital innovation developed by the Minister for Innovation Paola Pisano.

The outbreak of controversy and harsh criticism not only from the right but by the same allies of the Pd government, represents a tile for the 5 Star Movement but also a danger for the government's stability.