Teller Report

Casaleggio: perhaps in the future Parliament will be useless

12/21/2019, 5:49:23 PM

"Today, thanks to the Net and technologies, there are definitely more democratic and effective participation tools in terms of popular representativeness than any model of twentieth-century government. The overcoming of representative democracy is inevitable". Davide Casaleggio says so in an interview with 'La Verità'. "Parliament - said Casaleggio - would be and would be there with its primitive and highest task: to ensure that the will of the citizens is translated into concrete and coherent acts. In a few decades it is possible that it will no longer be necessary even in this form". Also because, he underlines, there is a direct democracy which "is already a reality thanks to Rousseau which for the moment is adopted by the M5s but could be adopted in many other areas. One is worth one does not mean 'one is worth the other'. One is worth one is the foundation of participatory democracy. Great social changes can only happen by involving everyone through participation in the first person and not by delegation. We don't need barons of the intelligentsia who tell us what to do, but competent people in the various areas that we they ask which objectives we want to go to and which propose a path to achieve them. Incompetence is often the excuse for not letting people participate in the important choices that concern them ". As for the resistance of the bureaucracy, which, he observes, "in a State affected by regulatory overproduction inevitably takes on a central role and often becomes the custodian of an almost esoteric knowledge", he says: "there is an ongoing change that is inevitable and will affect everyone social fields, including public institutions. Innovations such as blockchain will also revolutionize these sectors that will necessarily have to change and evolve. There is no alternative ". Referring to the EU, he says that "certainly a precious resource but greater tools for participation are needed. An example could be the introduction of the popular popular referendum for the ratification of international treaties". The 3% ceiling in the ratio between deficit and GDP is "anachronistic" and notes that "Italy is a safe country. I believe that extremes must be avoided as in everything in life".


23 July 2018 "Today, thanks to the Net and technologies, there are definitely more democratic and effective instruments of participation in terms of popular representativeness of any twentieth-century model of government. The overcoming of representative democracy is inevitable". Davide Casaleggio says so in an interview with 'La Verità'.

"Parliament - said Casaleggio - would be and would be there with its primitive and highest task: to ensure that the will of the citizens is translated into concrete and coherent acts. In a few decades it is possible that it will no longer be necessary even in this form". Also because, he underlines, there is a direct democracy which "is already a reality thanks to Rousseau which for the moment is adopted by the M5s but could be adopted in many other areas. One is worth one does not mean 'one is worth the other'. One is worth one is the foundation of participatory democracy. Great social changes can only happen by involving everyone through participation in the first person and not by delegation. We don't need barons of the intelligentsia who tell us what to do, but competent people in the various areas that we they ask which objectives we want to go to and which propose a path to achieve them. Incompetence is often the excuse for not letting people participate in the important choices that concern them ".

As for the resistance of the bureaucracy, which, he observes, "in a State affected by regulatory overproduction inevitably takes on a central role and often becomes the custodian of an almost esoteric knowledge", he says: "there is an ongoing change that is inevitable and will affect everyone social fields, including public institutions. Innovations such as blockchain will also revolutionize these sectors that will necessarily have to change and evolve. There is no alternative ".

Referring to the EU, he says that "certainly a precious resource but greater tools for participation are needed. An example could be the introduction of the popular popular referendum for the ratification of international treaties". The 3% ceiling in the ratio between deficit and GDP is "anachronistic" and notes that "Italy is a safe country. I believe that extremes must be avoided as in everything in life".