Teller Report

Three rich Chavez businessmen and two models die in a plane crash "loaded with gold"

12/20/2019, 11:04:57 PM

The accident of a plane near the private airport of Charallave, near Caracas, has not only claimed the lives of nine people. The sinister, whose cause

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The accident of a plane near the private airport of Charallave, near Caracas, has not only claimed the lives of nine people. The incident, whose causes are unknown, has also aired the parallel world of luxury and corruption in which the privileged by the revolution live. Among the deceased are three Boliburgians (businessmen enriched by their proximity to power) and two young models.

Gold smuggling and contracts with the State also appear as the main protagonists of an event that has impacted local public opinion. The nine victims returned to the capital, according to the official version, after celebrating the birthday of the model and businesswoman Ana Fois in Canaima, one of the natural paradises of Venezuela in the Bolivar state (border with Brazil). The young woman uploaded a video a few hours to embark on the Instagram account Beechcraft 100 King Air.

The purpose of the trip was not only the celebration, as deputy Américo de Grazia has denounced, commissioned by the president in charge Juan Guaidó to investigate the plunder in the Mining Arc. The parliamentarian, exiled in Europe, has assured that the plane was loaded with gold from Guasipati, a municipality located in El Callao, the area of ​​the main gold mines.

Tamara Suju, a human rights activist linked to the Organization of American States (OAS), added in her social networks that in Mariano Díaz, the Golden Territorium Sand Plant, one of the deceased Boliburgians, is in Guasipati. "All this is part of the criminal organization of the Mining Arc," said the activist.

The controversy has surrounded Díaz, linked in the past to the millionaire Raúl Gorrín (owner of the Globovisión news channel, sanctioned by the United States for corruption), since the arrival of Hugo Chávez in 1999. According to the local press, he was part of a fiscal mafia called "The band of the dwarves". In 2015, he was denounced for money laundering and drug trafficking and two years later, the rebel prosecutor, Luisa Ortega, appointed him as head of Maikel Moreno, president of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and revolutionary hammer against the democratic Parliament, according to the newspaper The universal.

Another of those killed in the accident, "Aleko" Suegart, would have participated in two of the most profitable operations in revolution. This is being investigated by the Comptroller Commission of the National Assembly, both for its business with the exchange of dollars in the former National Currency Administration Commission (Cadivi) and with the distribution of Clap boxes, with food subsidized by the government of Mature. This is the Bolivarian version of the Cuban ration book, which has become a tool for social and political control of the most popular classes.

The third Boliburg who was traveling in the wrecked aircraft is the retired military officer Humberto Vivanco, who was nicknamed The Threat of the Orchila by Hugo Chávez after participating in the rescue of the revolutionary leader during the failed coup d'etat of 2002. State contractor, was linked to football teams, like Mariano Díaz, and business and sports activities.

The two models that appear in the list of deceased are Ana Fois, 27, and Marielbys Alejandra Contreras.

"It is unfortunate, there are nine deceased Venezuelans (...). I must point out, without advancing any hypothesis because the fact has barely been hours, that the Public Prosecutor's Office has appointed two prosecutors, a prosecutor specializing in aeronautics and a prosecutor based on the Miranda state, which is where the tragic event unfortunately occurred to clarify these facts, "said the revolutionary prosecutor, Tarek William Saab.

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  • Hugo Chavez
  • Venezuela
  • Juan Guaidó
  • international

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