Teller Report

Serie A. Poker of Roma in Florence, the Giallorossi conquer the 'Franchi' 4-1

12/20/2019, 10:07:29 PM

Knockdown with one-two Dzeko-Kolarov in seconds. The violets rise with Badelj's flash. In the end, the account Pellegrini and Zaniolo close. Vlahovic cross in recovery, after games. Consolidated fourth place for Fonseca, Montella in bad water


December 20, 2019

Roma conquered the 'Franchi' and consolidated fourth place in the standings. Fiorentina are unable to give continuity on a par with Inter and remain in calm waters. This tells the dry 4-1 for the Giallorossi in the early Friday of the seventeenth day.

Montella recovers Badelj, the pivot of the midfield at five, and has Vlahovic and Boateng at the top. Florenzi right back, Perotti regularly on the line of the trocar (with Pellegrini and Zaniolo) and Dzeko single point in the chessboard of Fonseca. High pace and game immediately enjoyable. Viola sets fire to dust: Pau Lopez, outgoing low, anticipates Vlahovic and then goes to close on Boateng's blow. Roma is more effective, placing a knockout sequence in seconds. At 19 'Pellegrini works a ball at twenty meters and the bowl for Zaniolo, forgotten by the defense, who can hit Dzeko for the easy tap-in. At 21 'free kick just outside the area, a bit off the left: the tile of Kolarov, who in fact does not forgive going to remove the cobweb from the' seven 'to the right of Dragowski. Fiorentina skids but does not sink. In fact, he returns to the waterline at 34 ', when Caceres tries to conclude a confused action with a shot that becomes a gluttonous assist for Badelj. Immediately the goal, the Giallorossi suffered a big opportunity with Perotti launched by Florenzi, providential for the Viola the recovery of Lirola.

Great competition also in the second half. Good ideas from both sides, the goalkeepers, however, remain essentially inactive. Montella has to do something and play the Pedro card (for Boateng, who doesn't take it well). But Rome is taking over. Pellegrini warms the right with a conclusion from the edge that does not upset Dragowski. Then (73 ') he talks with Dzeko and hits the first intention from the edge sending the ball to the far post for the new double advantage. Game definitively closed at 88 ', with Zaniolo going off the counterattack and presenting himself in front of Dragowski for poker. The last gasp is given by Vlahovic, who hits the crossbar directly on a free kick.

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