Teller Report

Price increases due to lack of helium

12/20/2019, 10:28:39 AM

As the price of helium, which is widely used in the manufacture and research and development of industrial products, has decreased and the price has risen, a group of over 40 academic societies…

High price due to lack of helium Urgent statement such as “Reuse and stockpiling” December 20, 19:21

As the price of helium, which is widely used in manufacturing and research and development of industrial products, has declined and the price has soared, over 40 academic societies and other organizations have issued urgent statements jointly, On the other hand, he called for the reuse of helium and the expansion of stockpile.

The urgent statement was announced by the presidents of the Physical Society of Japan and the Chemical Society of Japan in Tokyo.

First of all, related parties, such as semiconductor manufacturing and medical equipment, as well as research and development sites, the amount of helium that is widely used has decreased and the price has risen, and there are places where research can not be done by small research institutions Explained.

In addition, 47 organizations including related academic societies and research institutes have joint names, and they are calling on the country and industry to quickly prepare facilities and environments for recycling helium and expand helium reserves.

Helium is chemically stable and widely used to maintain low temperatures, but all depend on imports, and the price is reduced because the US, which accounts for about 60% of the world's production, has reduced exports. It is soaring, and if this situation continues, there are concerns that it will affect the industrial world and medical practice.

“We decided to make a statement in response to the earnest voices of researchers and industry. I would like to call on many people including the country for cooperation”. .