Teller Report

British Commons gives the green light to carry out the Brexit on time

12/20/2019, 5:43:11 PM

The British House of Commons approved, on second reading, the agreement of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, which would open the door for the UK’s exit from the European Union on January 31.

The House of Commons - where Conservative leader Johnson has a comfortable majority since the December 12 elections - has approved the text with the support of 358 members and 234 opposition.

This vote is expected to launch more detailed discussions starting from January 7, with the agreement to be finally adopted after the ninth of it, as the government desires.

Only after approval by Queen Elizabeth II of Britain is it passed in the European Parliament, so that the UK can leave the European Union.

Conservative leader Johnson has a comfortable majority since the December 12 elections (Al-Jazeera)

Leave and negotiate
After leaving at the end of next month, Britain will negotiate an agreement on relations with the European Union in the future by the end of next year.

His predecessor Theresa May had tried and failed three times to obtain the approval of Parliament for a previous withdrawal agreement with the European Union.

"It is now time to move together as one team to revitalize the nation, one united kingdom, full of renewed confidence in our national destiny and finally determined to take advantage of the opportunities that we have now," Johnson said at the opening of the debate, according to Bloomberg News.

He added, "This bill and this stage of our national story should not be seen as a victory for one party over another, or one faction over another. This is a time when we move and reject the terms of departure and stay."