Teller Report

Biotin and collagen trick .. your guide to keep hair healthy without chemicals

12/20/2019, 11:10:29 PM

Ahmed Al-Hussein

Hair is a woman’s crown, health and vitality are among the first concerns that reflect on her psychological health and self-confidence, which prompted many women to go through destructive chemical experiments with different names. Its consequences can be fixed.

At the same time, the quality of the general shape of hair and its importance in women's lives cannot be ignored, as its health can be taken care of without causing any harm to it. Because good results are difficult, it takes effort and follow-up to reach the satisfactory result, to a degree that does not require cutting parts of it periodically to hide the inconsistent parts from it.

So here is a tour of the most important ways to get healthy shiny hair without any chemicals.

Nourishing hair
Hair, like other parts of the body, has specific elements on which to base its health. The essential elements for healthy hair are: vitamins D, B, E and C, zinc, iron, and omega-3; all of these are found mainly in many foods.

Health Line ranked a list of foods that are friendly to the health of hair, as they are rich in a group of elements at the same time, the most prominent of which is spinach, which is a rich source of iron, folate and vitamins A and C, as it provides eating 30 grams - equivalent to a cup of spinach - About half of the body's daily requirement for vitamin A, and avocado, salmon and nuts are an essential source of "omega-3", which in turn adds vitality and aids in hair growth and length, according to the site.

Vitamin E and avocado antioxidants also help to lengthen hair. Oysters, prawns, shrimps and seafood are rich in "zinc" in addition to "omega-3", which mainly contribute to hair growth and smooth skin together.

Vitamin E and avocado antioxidants help to lengthen hair (German)

Biotin and collagen
Biotin and collagen are essential components for hair, and to avoid the pressures of communication sites and the deception of ads, what you should know is that any healthy balanced system provides the body with the required biotin share per day, which does not exceed 30 micrograms, a very small portion that can be easily obtained from ordinary food.

And taking biotin tablets without consulting a doctor may cause exposure to side effects, including disorders in the analysis of the thyroid gland, as it can monitor the lack of biotin in the body by examining hair loss and skin, and that the lack of biotin causes disorders of the heart and cholesterol; therefore there is no need to resort to Nutritional supplements are not necessary for the health of hair just to follow the cries of the means of communication, many of which are built on a non-scientific commercial basis, knowing that there are vitamins that play more important roles than biotin in relation to hair loss.

Scalp injection should be avoided before consulting a doctor (communication sites)

General health and hair loss
People sleep with everything related to hair loss, and although it is normal to lose between 50 and 150 hairs per day, many people suffer from more hair fall rates than that amount, and some suffer from very clear voids in the scalp due to hair loss.

Although hair loss has many causes, iron and ferritin play a pivotal role in its regular fall, and anemia, anemia and deficiency of ferritin are among the most important causes of hair loss.

Doctors at the National Library of the National Institute of Health in the United States of America are advised to treat iron and ferritin deficiency that causes hair loss, by providing the body with the necessary iron and staying completely away from the hair sprays containing "minoxodil" used topically.

Although the effect of these objective nebulizer appears simultaneously, it gives a temporary effect that ceases to stop once they are used without treating the cause, and the fallout resulting from general weakness, anemia and malnutrition must be treated radically, not topically.

Hair daily routine
The daily routine of hair and skin care plays an important role in their general form, and many seemingly familiar habits cause great harm to the hair, perhaps the most important of which is the use of hot water in washing it, so L'Oréal recommends that you wash hair with lukewarm water to preserve it, due to what hot water causes from Severe drought to him.

It is also advised to wash the scalp with shampoo only and do not wash the hair and its limbs according to what the American Academy of Dermatologists stated in its advice for hair care, as she stressed the use of conditioner after each time of using shampoo, but in all parts of the hair from the roots to the ends.

She also confirmed that, according to her analyzes, the chemicals found in many commercial products do not differ much from one product to another, but the most important thing is to know the type of hair and use the products assigned to it and take care of it in the appropriate way.

Greasy hair needs to be washed more regularly to get rid of excess fat, while chemically treated hair prefers not to wash it several times so that it does not get drier, and if there is no need to use shampoo it is only sufficient to wash it with water and moisturize it with conditioner.