Teller Report

Beautiful pilot

12/20/2019, 1:31:11 PM

“In the States they do not hide that the Russian is an important symbolic trophy of American domination. Having landed Bout, they made it clear that the policy of mass repressions began to spread to Russian citizens, therefore: behave calmly, worship American democracy and raise blasphemy against your state, otherwise our hands are long. "

From Victor Bout, the States initially sculpted the image of a powerful Russian villain: an arms baron, a threat to US national security, had a hand in all the hot spots around the globe, featured in the UN Security Council report. Glorified by art. The prototype of the heroes of both domestic and foreign films, novels and even a computer game.

We can say that it was this image that opened Pandora’s box for the practice of wild, arrogant and completely absurd accusations against both Russia and its citizens. Then we know that no matter what happens, the Russians are to blame for everything.

Victor Bout was arrested in 2008 in Thailand on an American request. Then came a series of flagrant lawless lawlessness: a couple of years later he was taken to the States, in 2012 he received 25 years in prison.

To some extent, Booth is the September 11th plan and Guantanamo for the Russians. After the arrest and imprisonment of the Russian citizen, the States were symbolically untied their hands to combat the "Russian threat." The hunt for powerful ghosts of Russian hackers went, they began to pursue phobias of widespread interference in the elections and much more.

They do not hide in the States that the Russian is an important symbolic trophy of American domination. At least that's what the notorious Condoleezza Rice called him at the time. Having landed Bout, they made it clear that the policy of mass repressions began to spread to Russian citizens, therefore: behave calmly, worship American democracy and raise blasphemy against your state, otherwise our hands are long.

At one time, Yunna Moritz wrote about him in her Ballad of a Pilot:

The handsome pilot Victor Bout -

Cowboys need an attribute

Such a Russian scale,

To establish power over us,

Entitled to steal

Fate is not only the Arab.

And he really is a trophy, a hostage, a message to the Russians about American rule. And on the other hand - a symbol of confrontation between a wild and revengeful totalitarian machine, an unbending prisoner of the American Gulag.

The story of Viktor Bout is not only an example of skillful and massive demonization, but also one of the most obvious strategies to divide Russian society - along with sanctions, a white Olympic flag.

A sort of analysis of society in bricks, disorientation of it. External consistent suggestion to citizens of a sense of nihilism in relation to the country and the state. This was used during the Cold War. Please note: at first, Bout was accused of supporting almost the entire terrorist international, now American wise political men are already going to Russia to put labels on the sponsorship of terrorism. And one can’t believe it here: look, Booth is a weapon baron! Atu him, atu Russia!

Traditionally, none of the domestic progressive public defended Victor for all these years - not Sentsov. The progressive audience that the rabbits in front of the boa constrictor of the American totalitarian machine - there for them is all the ultimate truth. She watched a movie with Nicholas Cage - and this is enough to visualize the villainy. Because he knows for sure: there are no innocents planted there and the American funnel has the right to come for anyone.

But there are positive points in the matter. In Russia, work has begun on the release of the Russian from the American Gulag. The Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky yesterday met with his wife Buta Alla, who has been fighting for her husband all these years. We agreed that Booth, together with lawyers, will prepare all the necessary materials on this case, and also indicate what problems her husband has in terms of maintenance, what support the lawyers need, what she sees ways to release him and facilitate his fate.

Knowing the assertive nature of the famous Russian parliamentarian, this news is encouraging, although the path will be thorny, because the States initially made it clear that Booth is doomed to drink the cup of American justice to the bottom.

However, we remember how he conducted a special operation to pacify indiscriminate Russophobia in PACE. He will not back down from his work until he brings the matter to an end. There are many more arguments in his arsenal to solve this difficult issue.

"Beautiful Pilot" must be released. It’s time for him to return to his homeland. Thanks to his misadventures and suffering, we are now well aware of the real essence of the American club of justice. The fate of Victor clearly told about this.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.