Teller Report

17 Syrian military men killed in militant attacks in Idlib province

12/20/2019, 7:34:49 PM

In two massive attacks by militants in Idlib province, 17 Syrian troops were killed and another 42 Syrian soldiers were injured. Both attacks were repelled, destroyed, and injured by up to 200 terrorists.

This was announced by the head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the warring parties in the SAR, Major General Yuri Borenkov.

According to him, on the evening of December 19, terrorists consisting of 300 and 400 people, with the support of armored vehicles, tried to break through in the direction of the settlements of Sinjar and Abu Dali in Idlib province.

“In the course of repelling terrorist attacks, 17 servicemen of the SAR armed forces were killed, 42 were injured. Losses of militants of terrorist groups amounted to 200 people killed and wounded, ”the report said.

Previously, about 200 militants attacked the positions of the Syrian military in the area of ​​the settlements of Umm Halahil and Zarzur in Idlib province, as a result of the attack, 12 soldiers were injured.