Teller Report

Tips for feeling more energetic and productive in 2020

12/19/2019, 2:52:22 PM

With the speed approaching 2020, many are beginning to focus on things they can do better in the coming year. Work-related solutions such as winning new clients or seeking to upgrade and learn new skills are among the most common choices, given that the majority of goals are planned

With the speed approaching 2020, many are beginning to focus on things they can do better next year.

One of the most common options is to work-related solutions such as winning new clients or seeking to upgrade and learn new skills.

Given that the majority of the goals planned for next year relate to productivity at work, the most urgent matter for achieving this is to search for a set of tips that will help everyone with a more active and productive feeling in 2020.

Forbes published a set of important tips that can be followed to boost activity and productivity in the coming year, namely:

1- Getting rid of guilt: A sense of guilt is defined as an emotion that some people encounter when they think that they have made a mistake, and this feeling may drain a person’s energy and perhaps generate satisfactory life practices, and therefore a proactive decision must be made regarding the situation that causes guilt, and if you are not able To do this, you can follow a few simple steps: confess this guilt and then find a way forward.

2- Create positive habits: Every decision you make before you start working (such as choosing breakfast or appropriate clothes) imposes taxes on your mental energy, although you may not be aware of this.

This is reminiscent of the fact that Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder, adopted the same clothes every day. Here it can be said that when you don't think about what to wear, you can think about what you want.

3- Stay away from negative people: You do not need to stick with everyone for the rest of your life, and for this, if you have unhappy people in your life at the level of coworkers or acquaintances who always complain, try not to involve yourself in a relationship with them, because their problems should not be your problem .

4- Catching up with friends: This advice may seem very simple, but our professional life can besiege us in its world, and this is why spending time with friends is important for creating memories.

5- Move your body: When you exercise, you release the hormone endorphins that fight sadness and depression, and this procedure may be boring for some and take a long time, but it is necessary to feel comfortable, as making sports a routine matter daily or weekly, helps to renew the body and mind .

6- Sleep: Our discomfort and frustration with the world and ourselves is often due to lack of good sleep. Try to sleep before midnight and sleep for at least 7-8 hours. And if you feel comfortable with hours of sleep, then there is no problem listening to your inner rhythm.

Studies show that late-night sleep or the bad sleep pattern that causes constant waking affects negatively on mental health, so experts recommend choosing a good pillow and turning off the phone and tablet to get the needed comfort, as well as it can use some music that helps to Relax for a good night's sleep.

7- Meditation: It has been proven that meditation reduces stress, improves relationships and enhances focus, along with a whole host of other benefits.

8- Take a break from social media: Shamat Palihabitia, former vice president of Facebook, said during a conference at Stanford College of Business Studies for the year 2017, that we are programmed "without realizing it", as notifications, admiration marks, and others create a cycle of dopamine In the brain it makes us seek research, and every time someone interacts with your post on social media, your brain gets more dopamine, a chemical that is naturally present in the human body, and acts as a neurotransmitter, meaning that it sends signals between the body and the brain, and affects Significantly on movement, sleep, learning and stress His mood, memory and attention.

Over time, the release of dopamine into the brain decreases, while research never stops. A lack of dopamine can affect several functions in the body, and may lead to depression, so a degree of rest must be taken from social media to maintain the balance of dopamine, which is vital for both physical and mental health.

9- More love and laughter: Love and laughter take your focus, and when you are less focused on yourself, you are less likely to be anxious, obsessed and stressed.