Teller Report

Media: EU intends to study the situation with Sputnik journalists in Estonia

12/19/2019, 10:01:28 AM

The EU is going to study the situation around Sputnik employees in Estonia who received letters from the Estonian law enforcement agencies with threats of criminal prosecution.

This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to an official in European structures who wished to remain anonymous.

“Thank you for your appeal. Let me study this, we will contact you, ”the source said.

Earlier, the Russian side appealed to the OSCE media representative Arlem Desir about the threats received by Sputnik employees in Estonia.

At the same time, Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the RT television channel, called on Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid to prevent the arrest of Sputnik journalists.

On December 18, it became known that employees of Sputnik Estonia received letters from the Estonian law enforcement agencies with threats of criminal prosecution if they did not terminate their employment relations with MIA Russia Today until January 1, 2020.