Teller Report

Luxembourg, trena and palco

12/19/2019, 9:13:11 PM

The chief of the llamas was in the box of the Camp Nou, Oriol Junqueras, on the train. In 24 hours the European Justice has ruled that Junqueras had immunity by being elected dip

The chief of the llamas was in the box of the Camp Nou, Oriol Junqueras , on the train. In 24 hours the European Justice has ruled that Junqueras had immunity when he was elected as a deputy and the Superior Court of Catalonia has sentenced Quim Torra to a year and a half of disqualification.When the Luxembourg ruling was known, there was an explosion of euphoria in the Parliament demanding That all the prisoners go out to the street. A politician from Podemos has told me that Spanish judges have prevailed, that the Trib

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