Teller Report

El Hormiguero: Cristina Pedroche dropped the bomb

12/19/2019, 7:22:11 AM

The one who is not sitting who feels, the one who needs to catch air to catch it, the one who has cold sweats (and the one who does not also) to take a handkerchief and dry it because Cristina Ped

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The one who is not sitting who feels, the one who needs to catch air that takes it, the one who has cold sweats (and the one who does not also) to take a handkerchief and dry it because Cristina Pedroche has done it again, has bundled it brown .

It is incredible the capacity that the presenter and television collaborator has to create a great expectation of something that everyone already knows and expects . As my mother says, there is nothing like a good drama. And drama is what Cristina Pedroche has 12 days after the bells .

Like nougat and Christmas carols, La Pedroche always returns to El Hormiguero for Christmas . Its presence in the last week of the program before the end of the year is already a tradition . The reason, we all know, the expected dress with which Cristina Pedroche will delight, or not, on New Year's Eve to the spectators who decide to see the bells of Antena 3. Indeed, La Pedroche went to El Hormiguero to talk about what cannot be done Talk because it is the biggest secret of Christmas, to talk about your dress.

He entered as always that he goes as a guest to El Hormiguero , moving the skeleton and delighting the public, the spectators and Pablo Motos himself with his wiggles. "I would be watching you dance all night," Motos snapped as soon as he started the interview, and reason is not lacking. She "loves" to dance, but she likes it much more than never going unnoticed . Why do you think he keeps giving the bells and putting on those dresses despite the millions of criticisms he receives? Because Cristina Pedroche of discreet has little. And I don't say it, she says it all herself. Juan Palomo, I stew it, I eat it.

" That's what it is for - the dress - so they speak well or badly . I want to provoke feelings. I don't like to go unnoticed." Any questions? Well, no. As in the last Christmas visit, Pablo Motos praised what no one can take away from La Pedroche, no matter how much he wants to criticize it and no matter how bad it falls, which is having managed to change the custom of the Spaniards on New Year's Eve .

A few years ago - until she appeared in her black dress of transparencies in La Sexta and the brown mess for the first time - almost all of Spain saw the chimes in La 1 . Now not anymore, now Cristina Pedroche , her dress and her companion, Alberto Chicote, have changed the tradition and step on the heels of the public network. Very risky, so much that it scares .

No wonder, therefore, that a few weeks ago the alarms will go off when it was published that this year's could be the last chimes of Cristina Pedroche . As? It would be a drama, it would be to return to what was already there, it would be to lose emotion, not only to see what dress it appears with, but what is said about it the next day, it would be to remove the sauce at the last dinner of the year .

What was going to be talked about at the table with champagne? How beautiful is Anne Igartiburu? What a sloth, right? With how much fun it is to fight with your brother-in-law or sister-in-law , with your mother or with your father, with your brother or with your sister because of La Pedroche's dress. On top of that he proposes to talk about something more than if there will be government or not! No one can take that away from La Pedroche .

"Every year I overcome myself and this year can be the top. I know that I have the bar so high that it scares me and I prefer to stay on the crest of the wave . But Josie - the stylist responsible for the dress - has told me that the next year I have to be pregnant, that I have to get pregnant in the month of May so that in the bells next year I will be pregnant. " Oh my God! As we had little with the dress on top goes La Pedroche and loose that you have to get pregnant.

Oh, the mother the turkey! No, he won't get pregnant, much less because of some chimes. It does not fit into their plans, "for now . " So for all those who live pending whether Cristina Pedroche becomes pregnant or not, who knows that she is not, that she is not planning it, nor is it even a project. Do you see how he knows how to create expectation?

Like all Christ, she always asks about her plans to be a mother, because she drops the bombshell to see if anyone bites, to see if today they take out any holder of 'Cristina Pedroche will get pregnant for the grapes of 2020' and so everyone I looked at La Pedroche , but especially at the bells of Antena 3. "I have no intention of having a baby for now." And there was no such bomb .

Cristina Pedroche has no dress

Because the night bomb, the real one, the one that can cause last-minute heart attacks is that at this point and in the absence of just over 10 days for the last night of the year, Cristina Pedroche does not have the dress . Noooooooooo! And what are we going to do? What will happen to us? What will happen to Antena 3? What will happen to my brother-in-law?

"First of all I want to say how proud I am with the work I am doing and with the whole team. But the dress is not ... ", he threw the bomb almost undeterred, but even if it sounds like a joke it is reality . The dress is not finished and still remains. "Nothing happens, there is no drama. If the dress is unfinished I will go out with him even if it is not finished, and if I do not go out in jeans . " How is there no drama? She knows there is drama. It is what you have when you go to an interview and what you are going to talk about can not talk. La Pedroche cannot give details of the dress or reveal anything about himself, so it is to advertise something that you cannot reveal anything about .

Complicated, right? Well, not for her. She knows how to do so that we are all aware of that dress and without revealing anything, because unlike last year's interview in which she gave some other detail and even told a little something about what her traditional speech was going to be After the grapes, this year has not released garment. Neither the speech nor the dress. Nothing more than confess that the dress is not yet finished, and that by now it should be more than finished, and that "it is a very cool dress, which has many fashions of many arts and with which I can rise or crash . "

And how is it possible that it is not finished? Well, he didn't give many details either. La Pedroche simply explained that his body is a bit "accordion" , that "sometimes" he has eaten a little more and that other times he has "fluid retention" , and of course it is impossible that the dress is completely finished. "I'm putting everything on my side," he said laughing. In fact, yesterday he was in one of the many tests that have been made of the dress, "and as I am with the rule, because I am more swollen," and thus it is impossible to achieve the perfection she seeks. The dress is going to be, there is no doubt about that, but after five years giving everything and practically making history, you have to put the bone in order for the dog to bite .

What he did make clear is that he will not leave anyone indifferent, as has happened in previous years. That is already a tradition. She doesn't care about criticism , she has said it many times. He doesn't look at them much either. Only when the chimes are over, he looks at his cell phone, sees something that is being commented on, and hopes that those who know it, those who have his phone number will send him a message and give him his opinion, "but nobody writes me."

His mother: "You have to go like this"

Those who have seen the dress because for the first time in all these years have gone to any of the tests of the same are their parents. His reaction is the reaction of Spain. "They had never gone. We went and remained silent in a corner and I looked at my mother and said nothing. When we left she told me, 'but daughter with all the pretty dresses there are and you have to go like this' (...) My father said 'well, you're going to make a mess'. " The two Spain s. The one of whom will seem the most horrifying in the world and the one of whom it will seem the most wonderful. That is made in Pedroche .

Because Cristina Pedroche does not care exactly if they say she was uglier than a foot or put it in the clouds. There is only one thing that Cristina Pedroche bothers him and that is how much meat he is going to teach this year. Yes, that their dresses are not that they wear a lot of cloth; yes, that if they were not to see who was going to see the bells of Antena 3; yes, that the audience is in the flesh ... And that's why he always answers the same thing : "The first thing that matters to you and, second, I teach what comes out of it . " For you to come back.

Every New Year's Eve La Pedroche faces the same. He knows it, he is aware, he does not hide it, nor does he try to cover what is a reality with a veil. She loves to create a reaction in the public, good or bad. As an old boss of mine said, "the important thing is that they talk about you, right or wrong . " Well with Cristina Pedroche the same. Why bother him to be asked about the meat he is going to teach? Because although few believe it behind the New Year's Eve dress, behind all that spectacle there is an incredible curve that begins in the month of March and does not end until the clock of the Puerta del Sol gives the last bell.

Yes, teach; Yes, it is the hook, but the day they stop asking him how much meat he teaches will be the day that this society will have really changed. Nothing happens to criticize someone or praise him, because it is she who is exposed, but the dress of La Pedroche is much more than a transparency, is much more than a thigh and is much more than a piece of cloth less. At least for her.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • The Anthill
  • Pablo Motos
  • Cristina Pedroche
  • Antenna 3

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