Teller Report

The three convicts of the Arandina case, provisionally awaiting a decision on their entry into prison

12/18/2019, 11:43:39 AM

Carlos Cuadrado & apos; Lucho & apos ;, Víctor Rodríguez & apos; Viti & apos; and Raúl Calvo, the three former Arandina CF players sentenced to 38 years in prison each for a crime of sexual assault au

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Carlos Cuadrado 'Lucho', Víctor Rodríguez 'Viti' and Raúl Calvo , the three former Arandina CF players sentenced to 38 years in prison each for a crime of sexual assault on a child under 15, have been provisionally released today waiting for the Provincial Court of Burgos to issue the order by which he will decide to enter prison or not, a circumstance that could happen "today or in the next few days", according to sources in the case.

A multitude of people have gathered at the door of the Palace of Justice in Burgos, some showing their support for the victim and others asking for absolution for the damned. National and Local Police agents have been deployed in the area to avoid altercations between the groups.

Before entering the Hearing, the victim's lawyer , Patricia Ortiz, has denounced the "threats and insults" that the child is suffering through social networks, in addition to the filtering of recordings belonging to the investigation, and that the minor is " locked up at home, unable to leave " and "frankly bad."

About 11:40 hours the three convicted have left the hearing, who have declared for four minutes each in the hearing. The Prosecutor's Office has asked for provisional imprisonment, while the defense has been based on the low economic capacity of young people and the low risk of escape: "We have submitted allegations to the entry into prison ensuring there is no risk of escape. There is no midpoint. , we rely on absolution. The sentence has been very harsh and disproportionate, "said Olga Navarro , defense lawyer.

Last Thursday the judgment of the case was published, which refers to the events that occurred in the apartment that the youth shared in Aranda de Duero, in which on November 24, 2017 and according to the documentation accredited by the court, they were left with a minor of the locality to which they forced to perform sexual acts against their will. For all these reasons, they were sentenced to one crime of sexual assault and two crimes of cooperation in sexual assault.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Arandina CF
  • Sexual abuse

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