Teller Report

Temperature in Moscow broke 1956 record

12/18/2019, 12:22:10 PM

Air temperature in Moscow broke the heat record of 1956, rising to +2.9 ° C. This was reported by the chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Marina Makarova.

“Today is December 18th, before the maximum temperature at the VDNH station was more marked in 1956, it was +2.8 ° C. At 12:00 it was +2.9 ° C, ”the weather forecast quoted TASS.

According to her, the maximum values ​​are forecasted late in the evening.

Earlier, the acting head of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Wilfand, explained the abnormal warming in the European part of the country by the fact that very warm air masses come from the South Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea.