Teller Report

Lebanon: Saad Hariri, Prime Minister who has resigned, is not a candidate for his succession

12/18/2019, 5:58:10 PM

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced on Wednesday that he did not wish to be a candidate for his own succession, on the eve of parliamentary consultations to appoint a new head of…

Lebanese Prime Minister resigning Saad Hariri announced on Wednesday (December 18th) that he is not a candidate for his own succession, but wants consultations for the appointment of a head of government to take place on Thursday as planned.

"I am announcing that I am not a candidate for the formation of the next government," he said in a statement.

Saad Hariri resigned at the end of October after several weeks of demonstrations against the whole of the political class of the country, considered to be corrupt, and has been dispatched from current affairs.

His name resurfaced earlier this month after businessman Samir Khatib withdrew from the candidacy, which postponed consultations on the formation of the new government until December 16. They were again postponed to Thursday at the request of Saad Hariri, according to the presidency.

The International Support Group for Lebanon, which met last week in Paris, called for the swift formation of a government capable of undertaking the reforms necessary to obtain international financial aid.

Reinforced security around protest squares in Beirut

On the ground, the police have tightened security measures around the places where anti-government demonstrations are taking place in central Beirut, after several nights of violence.

Before dawn, large concrete blocks were installed to block side roads leading to the two squares of the city center, Riad al-Solh and that of the Martyrs, where the main demonstrations generally take place in Beirut, according to correspondents of the AFP on site.

These roads have been used in recent days by counter-demonstrators to attack protesters and the security forces.

The goal is to allow riot police to protect protesters and avoid clashes, an officer on the spot told AFP.

With AFP and Reuters

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