Teller Report

The PSOE punishes the Andalusians

12/17/2019, 1:04:26 AM

The decision of the Treasury to intervene the accounts of Andalusia is a punishment that Pedro Sánchez tips PP and Citizens on behalf of all Andalusians - in an unusual maneuver

The decision of the Treasury to intervene the accounts of Andalusia supposes a punishment that Pedro Sánchez gives to PP and Citizens on behalf of all Andalusians - in an unusual maneuver of opposition of the Government of the nation to another autonomous - and a threat to other autonomies that , like Madrid or Galicia, they make a flag of fiscal rigor and tax cuts . The center-right alliance has turned the Junta de Andalucía into a model of stability, after being the first community to carry out the Budgets for 2020 with the objective of zero deficit. In this context, it is an exercise in hypocrisy and arbitrariness that the Treasury - resorting to standards approved by the Government of Rajoy - denies the Andalusian Administration the possibility of going to the markets to be financed. Hypocrite, because it is an objective not satisfied by the previous Cabinet of Susana Díaz. And arbitrary, because Sánchez avoids formulating the same requirements to other regions such as Catalonia, by partisan calculation . Especially considering that the Financial Stability Law does not oblige the Government to adopt such an initiative.

The letter that the Treasury has sent to the branch counseling - without respecting the institutional normality when signed by a subordinate of the minister - requires the Andalusian Government a plan of cuts based on the breach of the objective of stability , public debt and spending rule . However, there is the circumstance that the ministry led by María Jesús Montero uses as an argument "the imbalance in the accounts of 2018". Precisely, the last ones approved by Montero, in his stage as Andalusian Minister of Finance, and executed 100% by the previous PSOE government. Although the Treasury denies that it is an intervention, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla is right when he denounces the discretion of an initiative that responds to Sánchez's desire to punish an autonomy that this year has consolidated a successful process of exit to the financial market. And this despite the serious treasury situation inherited after decades of hegemony of the regime raised by the Socialists. In fact, Montero was responsible for preparing the 2018 Budgets and, at the time of his departure from the Board, the budgetary deviation was already very close to the limit set.

The varapalo could cause cuts in health and education or the waiver of tax rebates It is cynical that the Treasury accuses Andalusia of damaging the rating of Spain as an issuer while ignoring the fiscal disobedience of the Generalitat in full negotiations for the investiture of Sanchez or while The Bank of Spain has warned the Government of the deviation of the State deficit for this year. Sánchez and Montero instrumentalize the fiscal control function to penalize the bipartite PP and Cs . The cost will be paid by Andalusian citizens.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Andalusia
  • Citizens
  • PSOE
  • PP
  • Madrid
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Maria Jesus Montero
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
  • Spain
  • Catalonia
  • Editorial

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