Teller Report

Least deadly year for journalists of 16 years

12/17/2019, 6:40:10 AM

The Reporters Without Borders organization annually measures how many journalists are held in detention and how many have been murdered. In 2019, 49 journalists have been murdered - fewer than in 16 years.

49 journalists were killed in 2019 - the worst was in Latin America where 14 people were killed.

In Mexico, ten journalists were killed, just like last year. Ten journalists were also killed in Syria, but according to Reporters Without Borders annual report, fewer journalists have been killed in armed conflict zones than in previous years.

The conflicts in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan have not resulted in as many deaths in the professional group as in the past - which in turn has contributed to the lowest figure in 16 years.

China imprisones most

Reporters Without Borders also notes that more people were killed in countries where there is no war than in war-torn countries in 2019. 63 percent were murdered because of their work and 37 percent were killed in the field during work in progress.

389 journalists were imprisoned last year and almost half of them are detained in just three countries: China, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, where China is the worst in the class with 120 imprisoned journalists.