Teller Report

In the DPR and LPR announced the continuation of the course of integration with Russia

12/17/2019, 2:07:10 PM

The heads of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik said that the republics will continue the course of integration with Russia.

“After the meeting of the Norman Four, we realized who our friend was and who our enemy was. We want to go in the same direction with Russia, and we will systematically go towards this, regardless of the opinion of Kiev ... Moreover, integration processes with Russia do not contradict the Minsk agreements, ”Pushilin quoted the Donetsk news agency as saying.

In his opinion, cooperation with Russia in various fields fits completely into the concept of a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

“One of the key points of the republic’s position: integration with Russia has already been launched, and we will not stop it under any circumstances,” Pushilin added.

According to the head of the LPR, the republic will integrate with Russia “without regard” to the current government of Ukraine.

“We believe that integration with Russia is absolutely not contrary to the Minsk agreements, and we will implement it without regard to whether Zelensky and his Western partners agree with this or not,” the Lugansk Information Center quotes him.

In mid-September, Pushilin announced that the DPR was faced with a task that was to maximize integration with Russia.