Teller Report

Courage trainer

12/17/2019, 10:09:41 PM

The coach of the Bahrain national team, Helio Souza, violated all theories in football and the system of team gatherings in tournaments, by standing on one lineup in all the matches of the "Gulf 24" championship, and involved all the players registered in the team list, and followed the policy of rotation in the lineup of each match,

The coach of the Bahrain national team, Helio Souza, violated all theories in football and the system of team gatherings in tournaments, by standing on one lineup in all the matches of the "Gulf 24" championship, and involved all the players registered in the team list, and followed the policy of rotation in the lineup of each match, Fearing his players from being exhausted and squeezing the matches in a short period, all of this indicates the coach's courage and his great confidence in all players without exception, as he inserted in every match a different squad, and involved three goalkeepers in a strange precedent that had not happened before in the rally system tournaments, The players were trustworthy, responsible, and father Wa doing well, and did not feel that the team affected by the absence of an important player as it happens with the participating teams, and they gave us a lesson in the challenge and fighting spirit and perseverance, and the theory of «team who attended», and did not feel the difference between the basic level of reserve players in the Dictionary football game.

The Bahrain team presented another lesson, that achieving the achievements and championships in the football game is not only with the imaginary contracts and the system of professionalism and rewards, but they proved the exact opposite and stressed that this game needs sacrifice, a fighting spirit and discipline, whether inside or outside the green rectangle, and all the players of the team Bahrain were looking for stardom under the slogan "sacrifice for the nation", the opposite of what happens to our players, from fictional contracts and excessive pampering, which led to indifference, discipline, ambition and a sense of responsibility in the cards of the team, whether inside or outside the green rectangle, by making excuses.

Once summoned to the national team list, some players become stronger than any administrative and disciplinary regulations pertaining to the team, but rather they have become most interested in the club and what it earns from his contract with his club.

What one player from our team receives (a month's salary) is equivalent to all the salaries of Bahrain national team players, knowing that the most expensive deal for a Bahraini player from one club to another club is only seven hundred thousand dirhams, and the average salary of national players in the Bahraini league is from two thousand dirhams to twenty thousand dirhams! And the most expensive Bahraini player (Ismail Abdullatif) has a monthly salary of only thirty thousand dirhams!

Bahrain became one of the top Asian continents, especially after its victory in the West Asian Championship and the Gulf Cup, and its victory over the second-ranked Iran team in Asia, in the qualifiers for the 2022 World Cup, and its tie with the Al-Rafidain Lions (Iraq) outside its stadium.

The Bahrain national team proved a theoretical error in a strong league, professional league, or advanced classification, knowing that the Bahrain national team is ranked 100th in the world.

The sporting achievements in Bahrain were not only limited to football, but rather the handball team qualified to qualify for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics with the least financial means. It is sound planning, not random exchange.

Sports achievements in Bahrain were not only limited to football, but also affected the handball team.

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