Teller Report

Commander managers are being kicked off in Fargelanda for millions

12/17/2019, 6:10:15 PM

Last week, City Manager Susanne Korduner got fired. And only one in the line of executives has had to quit in recent years. The trade union Vision believes that the politicians offend the officials and put in their work too much. - I feel super offended, says Susanne Korduner.

On Tuesday, P4 West published the news that six municipal managers in Färgelanda have had to quit for the past nine years. It must have cost taxpayers SEK 5 million. Late on Thursday, the local council decided that the commander Susanne Korduner will be fired.

- We need to create both a stable organization and a balanced budget. And then we feel we need a new leadership for the administration, says Tobias Bernhardsson (C), chairman of the municipal council.

What was wrong with Susanne Korduner?

- We have different views, among other things, on how to manage the budget process going forward, based on the economic situation we are in.

"Politicians offend officials"

The trade union Vision recently made a so-called 6: 6a report to the Swedish Work Environment Authority, where they made serious criticism of the leading politicians in Färgelanda. They must have offended and threatened officials, interfered with their work and made derogatory comments.

That's serious criticism of you, among other things?

- Yes that is how it is. There is no picture that I recognize at all. But we have nevertheless taken this seriously. We have joint training courses in the future and we are now doing a work environment survey, says Tobias Bernhardsson (C).

"The dismissal is related to the criticism"

The trade union Vision instead believes that Susanne Korduner got fired because she was considered to be on the staff's side when this notification was made. Anna Olofsson, safety representative and Vision's chairman, does not want to comment, but in Vision's own newspaper she says that the dismissal is a response to the criticism directed at the highest political leadership:

- Yes, it is clearly linked. Tobias Bernhardsson has accused Susanne Korduner of being behind the 6: 6a notification and being too much on the staff side, says Anna Olofsson, to the Vision magazine.

But according to Bernhardsson, this is not related.

That Susanne Korduner is allowed to go - does it have to do with this notification being made?

- No, it doesn't. We do not mix those parts together. We have other factual reasons why we made that decision, ”says Tobias Bernhardsson (C).

Constant contradictions

But Susanne Korduner was just one in the line of managers who had to quit. There seems to be a culture in Färgelanda with constant contradictions between politicians and officials?

- We have had it over the years. However, I have only been responsible for the municipal council for the past year. But in the past there have been different situations over the years that we have had to deal with. Now it is about trying to get to the bottom of the problems that have been raised.

Susanne Korduner herself does not want to say much about the matter.

- I'm not saying anything in this soup. That's where the limit goes. I feel super offended, so now it's good. It's totally crazy. I'm just trying to breathe. But there is a reason why they are conducting a work environment study, says Susanne Korduner.