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European Cup: Picamoles injured in one knee, exams on Monday - France 24

12/14/2019, 7:43:20 PM

European Cup: Picamoles injured in one knee, exams on Monday

Montpellier (AFP)

Former international and Montpellier captain Louis Picamoles injured his knee, no doubt seriously, from the third minute of the European rugby cup match against Toulouse on Saturday, and will undergo additional examinations on Monday, his club said. .

Picamoles (33, 82), retired from the XV of France since the World Cup in Japan this fall, injured himself on a support after taking a ball.

He was evacuated on a stretcher after holding his head between his hands, and his season would be seriously compromised if the exams revealed a serious injury.

"I have a big thought for Louis who we lost for a moment. This is not a good sign, but we will wait for the results," said MHR coach Xavier Garbajosa, without specifying the nature of the injury.

Picamoles will undergo additional examinations on Monday to determine the diagnosis.

"Beyond the player, he's someone important in the locker room. It's a dark evening," he added, after the defeat of his team.

Trained at MHR, Picamoles returned there in the summer of 2017 after eight years spent in Toulouse (2009-2016) and then Northampton (2016-2017).

© 2019 AFP

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