Teller Report

They are convicted of robbery - contacted the victim via a dating app

12/12/2019, 7:10:19 PM

Earlier this year, a man was beaten and robbed by three men in his apartment in Uppsala. The perpetrators contacted the victim via a dating app. Now one of them, a 19-year-old man, is sentenced to prison.

It was in March this year that a man in Uppsala was brutally robbed in his apartment by three unknown perpetrators. The victim was subjected, among other things, to kicks to the head, fist blows and electric shocks. Through knife threats, the men then forced themselves on several of the victim's valuables, before he was left taped and naked on the floor.

"Showed exceptional roughness"

The perpetrator convicted of the crime was the last to be found in the apartment. The victim then played dead because he feared for his life - which the perpetrator stated in interrogation that he believed. On the other hand, he should not have done anything to help the victim - but covered him with blankets and blankets. According to Uppsala District Court, the perpetrator showed a "special cruelty" in his actions in connection with the abuse, and convicted him, among other things, for gross robbery and abuse in court case.

Other perpetrators on the loose

Police have not been able to identify two of the perpetrators, who were masked at the time. However, they found DNA in the apartment of a third man. He is now being convicted of the robbery. The perpetrator admitted in interrogation that he was in the apartment, but this because he was threatened by the other perpetrators.

Get a youth discount

According to the district court, the penalty value for the charges is five years' imprisonment. But when the perpetrator was 18 when the offense was committed, the penalty, called a youth discount, is halved and the man is sentenced to two years and six months in prison. He will also pay SEK 40,000 in damages to the victim.