Teller Report

Now fully electric bus is being used in Jönköping

12/12/2019, 7:34:30 PM

During Friday, the first electric bus in Jönköping will be inaugurated. In addition to being powered by electricity, the line now extends longer and offers more tours than before.

It is in connection with the change of table on December 15 that all buses on line 17 in Jönköping will only run on electricity. Together with several players, the electric line has become a reality.

- It will be fun to finally launch this project that has become a reality thanks to a very good dialogue between everyone involved. This is part of our commitment to a more sustainable journey, says Marcus Eskdahl (S), regional council and chairman of the committee for traffic, infrastructure and the environment in a press release from Jönköping county traffic.

New interior

The tour starts at the relatively new residential area Strandängen. According to the old table, the last stop of the line has been at the Eastern Center, while the bus will now go up to the Asecs shopping center and turn there.

The appearance of the buses has also changed compared to the older buses.

- Many travelers experience the back of the bus as scary. We have hoped to change that, so we hope that, for example, families with children will sit and socialize while riding a bus, business developer Charles Tholin told SVT in September.