Teller Report

A month with Operation Rimfrost - this has happened

12/12/2019, 7:34:24 PM

A month has passed since the police launched the national special event called Operation Rimfrost. Intensive work is underway to curb the crime of violence and several seizures and arrests have been made. At the same time, Malmö Police Chief Stefan Sintéus believes that there is no "quick fix."

Operation Rimfrost was launched earlier this fall after a series of serious acts of violence in Malmö. Despite this, several murders have occurred in the city ever since.

- This is about individuals who regardless of what had attacked each other anyway. Preventing a murder between two people is basically impossible in the short term, says Stefan Sintéus, Malmö police chief and regional commander in chief of the operation.

Want to stop development

He believes that Operation Rimfrost is a long-term effort to limit access to weapons, explosives and freedom of action for the individuals behind the violence.

- You cannot solve complex problems through special events. People have shot at each other before, during and will shoot each other after Rimfrost. The goal is to stop the development of firearms and blasts as weapons in criminal conflicts, says Stefan Hector, national commander-in-chief of the operation.

Thursday's press conference to mark a month with Operation Rimfrost is part of the effort to make the police work more visible. Stefan Sintéus told about the many attacks and arrests that were carried out during the month.

See more in the clip above.