Teller Report

To ensure transparency in the digital market Mandatory disclosure of contract terms Basic policy of the bill

12/11/2019, 8:28:24 PM

In order to ensure the transparency of the digital market, the basic policy of the bill being considered by the government will be clarified, and it will have a large-scale impact on people's lives.

Ensuring transparency in the digital market Mandatory disclosure of contract terms Basic bill of policy December 12 5:23

In order to ensure transparency in the digital market, the basic policy of the bill that the government is considering has been clarified. This includes making it mandatory to disclose the terms and conditions.

While it is pointed out that a giant IT company called GAFA is strengthening its monopoly power in the digital market, the government is studying legislation to establish new regulations to ensure transparency of transactions, and its basics The policy became clear.

According to this, among companies that provide services on the Internet, companies that have a certain scale and that have a large impact on people's lives and economy are named “specific digital platforms” and are subject to regulation. Targeting companies that operate online shopping.

On top of that, the contractor is required to disclose the contract conditions so that the business partners are not treated unfairly, such as unilaterally raising the fee, and if not, the company will be able to publish recommendations and company names.

It also incorporates a self-assessment on the operational status and regular reporting.

The government will soon hold a “Digital Market Competition Conference” to confirm this policy, and will also consider regulations that will not hinder technological innovation, and proceed with the creation of a concrete bill.