Teller Report

Store manager in Dalarna wrote about "disgusting union" on Instagram - Handels demands damages

12/11/2019, 9:37:29 PM

“First a ride with the disgusting compartment. Then the Maldives ”. This is how a high-ranking store manager and CEO of Dalarna wrote on Instagram before a negotiation with the trade union Trade. - I will claim a substantial damages, around half a million SEK, for violations of the freedom of association, says Daniel Andersson, Ombudsman for Handels.

The store manager's account is private but the image, which was published sometime during Monday or Tuesday, has nevertheless come to Handel's knowledge.

- It is a terribly offensive post and it is really inconceivable that you can write something like this, says Daniel Andersson.

The store manager: "It's nothing I remember"

When SVT Dalarna calls the store manager he does not want to feel the picture.

- Did I write that? Then it must have been some form of error I can imagine.

Don't you recognize it?

- No, it's not something I recognize.

It should be from your Instagram.

- Then I do not know where it came from. It's not something I recognize.

It should have been published yesterday?

- Yeah, well, it's nothing I remember you.

Don't you remember yesterday?

- No, I can't say I do.

The union: "Can only dream of the Maldives"

According to Daniel Andersson, a large number of staff with insecure employment at the company.

- They will tear up the Christmas trade and they can only dream of the Maldives, because they never get there with their wages.

Start the clip above to hear Daniel Andersson tell you what consequences he thinks the Instagram picture will have.