Teller Report

Paris and Grenoble at the top, Marseille bonnet ... Which major cities really fight against pollution?

12/11/2019, 5:52:06 AM

The NGOs Unicef, Climate Action Network and Greenpeace have established a ranking of cities according to their effort in the fight against pollution. If Paris is well ranked, such as Grenoble and Strasbourg, the 12 past agglomerations screened do not generally enough effort. This is especially true for Marseille.

The NGOs Unicef, Climate Action Network and Greenpeace have established a ranking of cities according to their effort in the fight against pollution. If Paris is well ranked, such as Grenoble and Strasbourg, the 12 past agglomerations screened do not generally enough effort. This is especially true for Marseille.

With less than 100 days of municipal elections, who are the elected officials who really fight against air pollution? Three NGOs have asked themselves the questions: Unicef, the Climate Action Network and Greenpeace, which publish Wednesday morning the result of their investigation with a ranking of the 12 largest cities in France. Overall, it is a red card addressed to them, because none of them makes enough efforts.

Which low emission areas?

There are still better students than others, in this ranking established with fifteen criteria after the screening of the policies of French cities in the fight against pollution. "In concrete terms, we looked at whether large cities had set up low-emission areas, where the oldest vehicles are not allowed to travel," explains Lorelei Limousin, head of transport and climate policies at RĂ©seau de Action. Climate.

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"We also looked at whether they had committed to the release of diesel and gasoline," says the activist. "On the theme of cycling, we observed the changes in the cycling network, but also what was the bicycle budget per inhabitant and per year for each agglomeration."

Southern cities poorly ranked

At the top of the ranking is the city of Paris, followed by Grenoble and Strasbourg. In the last places of this ranking are the cities of Montpellier, Nice and Marseille, where measures to fight against air pollution are very largely insufficient, according to the three NGOs.