Teller Report

Minimum pension of 1,000 euros, only for children under 45 years ... Macron makes concessions but not happy to unions

12/11/2019, 1:25:29 PM

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has unveiled his pension reform. And it has made concessions although it has ratified that it will create a universal system and end c

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has unveiled his pension reform. And it has made concessions although it has ratified that it will create a universal system and put an end to the 42 special regimes. By boat soon, he does not seem to have satisfied even the hard unions that support the transport strike and call for reinforcement or the moderates who have welcomed his speech with criticism. They paint coarse.

The concessions. The minimum pension will rise to 1000 euros in 2022 . The reform will take effect later than planned and in a phased manner. The first generation that will tilt the universal system and by points will be those born in 2004 who enter the labor market in 2022. Those born before 1975 will not be concerned with the reform and will retire according to the current system.

There were candies for the restless sectors. Police, fire, military and prison guards will see their retirement age respected. The toilets will see their nightlife improved and the teachers their salaries. There are winks to women, liberal professions and farmers.

But the focus is on transportation. Philippe has called for an end to the strike. In the place of fixing from the. Government the moment of transition to the new system will open talks in public companies.Hapinchdo in bone. Unions ratify the continuity of the strike.

Philippe confirmed that the reform must end the 42 special regimes and is answered for a week since a strike that has left France almost without trains (25% of high-speed trains circulate) and Paris almost without metro (9 lines of 16 closed, 40% of buses circulating).

The prime minister spoke before the Economic, Social and Ecological Council. He was accompanied by the High Commissioner, Jean Paul Delevoye. And among the public was Laurent Berger, leader of the first union in France and who does not support the strike. Its position is so important that, in the absence of statements, the BFMTV channel highlighted upon arrival had "the face of bad days." When the act ended, he made a brief and dry statement: "the government has crossed the red line by mixing the systemic reform [which its union defends] a parametric reform."

He alluded to the establishment in 2027 of an equilibrium age of 64 years and a bonus / malus system to "encourage more work". The union meets this afternoon to agree on the response. But the thing looks bad for the Government . If you join the strike, it will be catastrophic.

Another union that is moderate but that supports the strike, UNSA, key in transport, also expressed its disagreement with this point.

Philippe was late. It came from the Elysium. A symbolic way of pointing out that the latest changes have the blessing of the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron gathered a score of mostly ministers and heavyweights last night on the Elysium. To synchronize messages and encourage them to occupy the field (read the media). Winning public opinion is key for the executive.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • France
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Paris

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