Teller Report

India: controversial law on citizenship adopted by Parliament

12/11/2019, 11:22:18 PM

The Indian Parliament has just adopted a very controversial law that reforms the access to citizenship. It facilitates the naturalization of citizens of foreign countries, but excludes Muslims.

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Protesters Protest Citizenship Amendment Bill in New Delhi December 10, 2019 JEWEL SAMAD / AFP

The Indian Parliament has just adopted a very controversial law that reforms access to citizenship. It facilitates the naturalization of citizens of foreign countries, but excludes Muslims.

With our correspondent in New Delhi , Sébastien Farcis

" The dream of millions of victims and disadvantaged is realized today ", boasted the Minister of the Interior. For the government, led by Hindu nationalists, the law granting citizenship will allow Afghans, Bangladeshi or Pakistanis, who are not Muslims, to obtain Indian nationality. This, if they lived for six years in India, against 11 years for other foreigners.

The Hindu nationalists in power claim that this is intended to protect the religious minorities of these three countries, but for the opposition, it is a way of preventing Muslims in the region from obtaining Indian nationality. Even to facilitate the expulsion of those who already live in India.

Depriving Muslims of Indian nationality

This measure would be illegal because it would violate the principles of equality and secularism enshrined in the Constitution. For Palaniappan Chidambaram, Congressman in opposition, this law should be challenged in the Supreme Court: " Members were asked to do something unconstitutional. The baby is then passed to the judges, who will have to decide on the constitutionality of this law. I fear that this government is passing this law in force in order to apply its policy of Hindu supremacy. It's a sad day . "

The Supreme Court is considered independent, but these judges have recently sided with the Hindu cause against Muslims, which could favor the government.

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