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Egypt: "rare" discovery of a bust of Ramses II

12/11/2019, 8:31:12 PM

Egypt: "rare" discovery of a bust of Ramses II

Cairo (AFP)

A "rare" bust of a statue of Pharaoh Rameses II was discovered near Giza, south of Cairo, announced Wednesday the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities.

The statue is the first pink granite bust of Ramses II bearing on his head the "Ka" - symbol of all vital energies animating the gods and men - to be discovered, according to a statement from the Ministry, who presented this discovery as "rare".

Excavations started last week by a ministry team were held on private land in Mit Rahina, site of ancient Memphis, 30 km south of Cairo, the statement said.

This statue of Ramses II, one of the most famous pharaohs of the nineteenth dynasty (1301-1236 BC), is 105 cm high and 55 cm wide.

In recent years, the authorities have considerably strengthened their communication around archaeological discoveries, but Egypt has often been accused of negligence and a lack of scientific rigor.

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