Teller Report

Dubai for the Future uses artificial intelligence to attract talent

12/11/2019, 10:04:50 PM

Dubai Future Foundation launched the initiative to use artificial intelligence technology to attract talent, to be the first government agency in the country to adopt advanced technology in human resources management in order to enhance productivity and improve performance levels, and reduce the effort and time needed to evaluate the results

Dubai Future Foundation launched the initiative to use artificial intelligence technology to attract talents, to be the first government agency in the country to adopt advanced technology in human resources management in order to enhance productivity and improve performance levels, and reduce the effort and time needed to evaluate applicants ’test results and accelerate recruitment processes.

Azza Al-Sharhan, Head of Institutional Affairs Sector at the Foundation confirmed that the applications of artificial intelligence technology have entered into most governmental sectors, and contributed to a qualitative shift in various areas of business, which calls for an increased focus on the importance of employing these modern tools in upgrading various economic sectors and government services, Support and enhance the tasks and productivity of employees and improve human performance

She pointed to the importance of adopting global trends in employing modern technologies and artificial intelligence technology in various fields of work, and keeping pace with the rapid changes in the era of the fourth industrial revolution.

The new technology developed, in cooperation with the company «Haier View», reduces the steps involved in the process of selecting employees and transforming them from a long journey and multiple stages into a set of smart and interactive assessment tests, within an integrated experience designed in partnership with experts specialized in science The Industrial Self and University College London.