Teller Report

Bicycle race staff 9.3 million yen dressed Disciplinary dismissal "tired from human relationships ... for horse racing"

12/11/2019, 6:34:06 AM

It turns out that a 29-year-old staff member at a bicycle race run by Odawara City in Kanagawa Prefecture was wearing 9.3 million yen for business use.

Bicycle race staff 9.3 million yen dress Disciplinary dismissal "I am tired of human relations ... for horse racing" December 11, 15:30

The 29-year-old staff member of the bicycle race track operated by Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, was wearing 9.3 million yen in total for business use, and the city made the staff disciplinary.

The disciplinary dismissal was a bicycle race track operated by Odawara City, a 29-year-old male employee who worked as the chief of fund management. According to the city, it was in the safe from May to October. It means that 9.3 million yen was put together for the funds for business.

A regular inspection of the city revealed that some of the funds were gone, and an internal investigation was underway, but the staff offered to dress.

“I was tired of work and workplace relationships. I used it mainly for horse racing,” and asked the city to say that I had repeated dressing in the early morning hours when there were no other staff. That is talking.

The entire amount has already been repaid, but the city has taken a measure such as installing a security camera in a room with a safe and checking funds with multiple staff, as the check system was not enough, We are considering accusing the police of suspicion of embezzlement.

Odawara City's mayor Kenichi Kato says, “I'm really thrilled that we have been thorough in compliance.