Teller Report

They return the custody of their daughter to the Vice President of Free Childhood

12/10/2019, 9:40:06 PM

The Provincial Court of Granada has agreed to return to the vice president of Free Childhood, Rocío de la Osa, the guard and custody of her daughter, who was provisionally removed

  • Courts.The Police take the Vice President of Free Childhood before the judge after hiding her daughter for five years

The Provincial Court of Granada has agreed to return to the vice president of Free Childhood, Rocío de la Osa, the guard and custody of her daughter, who was provisionally removed by court order last June, date from which the girl has remained in charge of a paternal aunt.

According to Efe sources of the case, the Hearing leaves the injunction agreed last June by the Court of Instruction 9 of Granada after taking statement to De la Osa in the context of a case opened by the alleged commission of crimes of child abduction and threats.

The woman had been summoned by that court under warning of detention, since she had not appeared in previous subpoenas, although her arrest was not necessary because she voluntarily went to the judicial headquarters.

The National Police considers its investigation on Free Childhood almost completed , at the expense of those requested to the legal instances, with 22 open cases, all in Madrid and Granada except one in Barcelona.

The agents of the Unit attached to the Courts and the Prosecutor's Office of Plaza de Castilla of the National Police believe, as they have transferred to the Prosecutor's Office, that the Free Childhood Association functioned as a criminal plot that encouraged mothers to denounce their former partners, accusing them of abusing their children, with the connivance of professionals such as a doctor, a lawyer and a psychiatrist.

Meanwhile, they did not allow parents to see their children, according to the investigation, within the framework of which three women from this association have been arrested.

Among them, its president, María Sevilla, accused of a crime of child abduction after breaking a sentence granting custody to her son's father and keeping him isolated on a farm in Cuenca, without schooling, for six months.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Pomegranate
  • National Police
  • Madrid

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