Teller Report

Protests within the law, rudeness of officials and attention to veterans: what Putin said at a meeting of the Human Rights Council

12/10/2019, 8:34:12 PM

Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society. During a meeting with human rights defenders, the head of state announced the risks to the security of the inhabitants of Donbass due to the activity of Ukrainian nationalists. Putin also pointed out the need to comply with the law during protests, supported the idea of ​​dismissing officials for rudeness, and answered the question of inviting veterans to Victory parades.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned of the risk of persecution of residents of unrecognized republics of Donbass by Ukrainian nationalists. He mentioned this during a meeting of the Presidential Human Rights Council.

Recall that representatives of nationalist movements were located near settlements on the border of Kiev-controlled territories and the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass, shortly before the planned separation of forces in the area. There was a conversation between President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and nationalists, which took place in elevated tones.

“We saw how President Zelensky led discussions with nationalists. It is not clear who is stronger there, what will happen there, and who will lead them, these nationalists, when they enter these territories without providing a guarantee to people, ”Putin said.

He also pointed out that the possibility of closing the border by the military forces requested by Kiev is fraught with aggravation of the conflict.

"The Ukrainian side always raises the question:" Give us the opportunity to close the border with troops. " I imagine what will begin next, “Srebrenica will be, that's all,” the Russian leader said, referring to the tragic events in the framework of the collapse of Yugoslavia, which killed about 8 thousand people in 1995.

  • Putin on the activity of Ukrainian nationalists

Putin also asked him to give him a list of Crimeans who are being persecuted in Ukraine. During the HRC meeting, Kirill Vyshinsky, Executive Director of MIA Russia Today, drew attention to this problem.

He told the president about massive criminal cases against active participants in the 2014 referendum and Crimean civil servants at various levels.

“As for specific individuals, just give me data on them, we will keep this in mind during the negotiation process with Ukraine. Indeed, this problem is beyond the scope of the legal solution, the legal field. But this was also the subject of our discussions yesterday, ”Putin said, referring to the Norman Four summit held in Paris on the eve.

“Express a position by legal means”

The President of Russia also paid attention to the issue of public protests. The head of state recognized that everyone has the right to express a point of view, but this should be done in accordance with the law.

“Everyone has the right to express their point of view and express their position by all possible available, but legal means,” Putin said. The head of state pointed out the danger of lack of punishment for violations.

  • Putin on compliance with the law during protests

“I threw some plastic cup there at a representative of the authorities. He threw - nothing, then a plastic bottle - again nothing, then he will throw a glass bottle and then a stone, and then they will start shooting and smash the shops. We must not allow this, ”he said at a meeting with members of the HRC.

The President pointed out that penalties for violations during public actions abroad can be quite severe, including imprisonment.

“In the UK - five years, in Sweden - ten, in the USA - ten,” the president said. At the same time, he noted that a dialogue should be maintained with those who express their dissatisfaction, and their position should be known.

The Case of the New Greatness

Speaking about the “New Greatness” case, Putin drew attention to the fact that the purpose of this organization was to overthrow the government in an unconstitutional way, and its participants were preparing for military operations and terrorist attacks. The head of state noted that the prosecutor’s office has such data.

“In addition, there they have cold and rifled weapons, grenades or a couple of grenades - these are serious things,” the president emphasized. When his attention was drawn to the presence of a provocateur in the case, he indicated that members of the organization might not have supported his calls.

  • Putin on the New Greatness case

“Let's say an embedded agent. He says, guys, let's stock up on a grenade, prepare for the overthrow of power by force, by. They say yes, well, we will. Well, if they don’t like it, they would take it and leave, ”Putin said.

He added that he would once again ask the Prosecutor General to follow up on the “New Greatness” case, taking into account the information sounded at the meeting of the Human Rights Council.

“Once again I will ask the Prosecutor General’s Office to closely monitor, especially since you say that the case is falling apart. If it falls apart, God grant that the court will understand this deeply and to the point, ”the president concluded.

Rudeness of officials

Putin also supported the idea outlined at the meeting to dismiss government and municipal employees for their inappropriate behavior.

“If a person came to work in a state or municipal body and is still rude there, he offends people, he does not belong there. I completely agree with this, ”the president said.

He added that this issue should be regulated in the regulatory framework, and promised to think about the implementation of the idea.

“We also have articles in the Criminal Code for insulting and so on. We need to see the practice of application. Or maybe there is something here and set up so that it meets exactly the tasks that you spoke about, ”he explained.

Veterans at the Victory Parade

Answering the question of RT journalist Ekaterina Vinokurova about the presence of veterans at the Victory parades, Putin noted that participants in the Great Patriotic War would remain obligatory guests of these events.

  • Putin on attention to veterans

During the meeting, Vinokurova raised the question that more and more “glamorous little girls” are coming to the Victory Parade, while it is important to ensure the presence of veterans of the Great Patriotic War at these events.

“We try to invite veterans every year, you cannot help but see them in the stands,” Putin answered. “Does any glamor appear there?” Honestly, I never paid attention to it. Well, because I'm busy with what I do at the parade. But you know what has come to mind now. If glamorous people are interested in the parade, then this is something positive. ”

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