Teller Report

Protects you from obesity .. What are the benefits of mandarin?

12/10/2019, 11:40:12 PM

German nutrition expert Emke Rize said that tangerine is a key to health and beauty, as it is rich in vitamin C, which works to strengthen the immune system, and then prevent infectious diseases in the winter, such as influenza.

Rize added that vitamin C also helps to build collagen in the body, so the skin has a taut appearance and looks more elastic.

Mandarin also contains a "provitamin A" known as beta-carotene (which converts into the body into vitamin A), which helps regenerate cells.

In cold seasons in which colds occur, this fruit strengthens the immune system, and the tangerine content of selenium is the highest compared to all other citrus fruits. And selenium is an important substance for the human body, the lack and lack of which increase the risk of cancer.

A Canadian study published in 2011 discovered a compound of one of the types of mandarin orange that helps in obesity control and the prevention of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis (the disease responsible for most heart attacks and strokes).

The study was conducted by vascular biologist Moreh Hof and his colleagues at the University of Western Ontario, on the effects of a flagonoid compound called "Nobiletin", which is found in the mandarin orange fruit.

Obesity protection
And the researchers applied in the Dr. Hof laboratory at the Roberts Institute for Research metabolism syndrome (metabolism) model in the experimental rats, so that the first group was fed a Western diet rich in fat and simple sugar until it became overweight.

After that, the first group showed symptoms of metabolic syndrome, such as high harmful LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, high levels of insulin, blood sugar and liver fat, which exacerbated the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Then the second group of mice were fed with the same food with the addition of the compound "Nobeletin" to the food, and did not witness an increase in the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and blood sugar and insulin, and gained normal weights, but became more sensitive and responsive to the effect of insulin.

It was found in the study that the nobelatin compound prevents the accumulation of liver fat by stimulating or activating genes (genes) related to burning excess fat, inhibiting the genes responsible for making fats, and even protecting them from the nobelite compound from obesity.