Teller Report

Pompeo calls for expanding START III to respond to modern threats

12/10/2019, 8:28:12 PM

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the format of the strategic offensive arms reduction and limitation treaty (START III) needs to be expanded to meet modern challenges and the development of armaments and attract China to participate in it.

“This is an agreement that was concluded many years ago, when there was a different balance of power between the great powers, other types of weapons, the threats were different ... Today, the threat to strategic stability is not only bombers, submarines or missiles, there are other methods that can lead to unbalancing stability, ”said Pompeo at a press conference in Washington with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

According to him, it is necessary, with the participation of China, "to create a system of treaties that ensure strategic stability."

“We are talking about developing a system of conditions that provides stability for people in the United States, Russia, people all over the world. And a good strategic dialogue is required, ”he emphasized.

Earlier, US Deputy Secretary of Defense John Rood explained Washington’s reluctance to renew START III in the near future by striving to conclude a broader arms control agreement with the participation of China.